第一天 (8/20)

Keynote: Arduino in the DIY Classroom

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David Cuartielles

We are witnessing a new beginning of the DIY movement. People around the world are looking into the possibilities offered by technology in order to develop their own tools for everyday use. Empowered by the use of the internet as a dissemination media, we see how this movement spreads at an amazing pace from country to country. It is coming to a point when it is affecting fundamental aspects of our everyday life.

Education is one of the fields that seems to be affected the most by this turn in history. New educational methodologies put more weight in creativity and project centered courses. The ecology of a classroom based in the traditional method of the masterclass, where a teacher talks and pupils listen, is shifting towards a new paradigm where participation and collaboration plays a much bigger role. Tutorials, video-guides, and inexpensive kits and tools bring a completely new universe to schools. It is now possible to learn about physics by building rockets, or learn math by programming algorithms.

Arduino, an open source hardware prototyping platform, brings the world of electronics to the DIY world, and to the classroom by extension. Since 2005 we have been concentrating in making the path into electronics easier. In the beginning we aimed at helping non-technical university students, but we are observing how this platform is moving into other realms. This talk will explore the possibilities of having Arduino in the classroom. We will be introduced to the history of the Arduino platform, we will see existing projects made for and by pupils, and we will open the discussion about how important is openess in making durable learning experiences.

Co-founder of the Arduino platform: //arduino.cc, Research Fellow at Medea, Malmo University: //medea.mah.se, Co-founder 1scale1: //1scale1.com ( //twitter.com/dcuartielles )

使用 Arduino 開放平台建置智慧型插座

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With the growthing deployment of Smart Grid, it's more important to build smart outlet based on open hardware and open standards. We would like to share our experience about building smart outlet using Arduino. With Arduino, we could design an outlet which is suitable for the size of existing electrical outlet. It is capable to measure the current usage and control the ON/OFF state via web-based UI. It could collect and control 8 smart outlets via ZigBee connection. You could check out the demo video from //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz2Ctpn6yKA .

隨著智慧電網的發展、使用開放的硬體及標準來製作智慧型插座變得非常重要,我們將跟各位分享在 Arduino 上發展智慧型插座的經驗,這個智慧型插座的大小如同現有的家用電源插座,它可以透過 Web 顯示插座的用電量及開關電源,透過 ZigBee 來收集和控制 8 組智慧插座,展示的影片如下://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz2Ctpn6yKA

國家高速網路與計算中心助理研究員 專長:演算法、嵌入式系統、節能系統及元件研究。

ARM x Cloud = Next Generation Server

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Noritsuna Imamura

We made a next generation server. It runs on ARM base board(pandaboard) with cloud service.

If you join this session, You will be able to feel a future server system.

Now: I'm a coordinator of OESF(//www.oesf.biz)'s Open Lab(Taiwan&Japan) & future system WG(//fswg.oesf.biz/). And I'm a starting member of the biggest Android community in Japan(//android-group.jp).

Old: I was concerned with development in the world's largest VoIP(SIP-IPv6 base) system. I was concerned as architect and designing HOTARU's softwares with HOTARU project. HOTARU project is a subproject of WIDE which is the IPv6 greatest project and developing NGN/IMS's open source soft wares. HOTARU project: //www.luciola.net/ WIDE project: //www.wide.ad.jp/index.html

Using the Web in the GNOME Platform

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Xan López

In this talk we'll see what tools the GNOME platform gives developers to build the web into their applications and how the GNOME hackers are using those tools to build the computer environment of the future.

Xan López is a Free Software developer working in Igalia. He’s a GNOME contributor, maintaining the Epiphany web browser, and a WebKit reviewer, where he spends most of his time improving and extending the GTK+ port of the engine

跨平台行動應用程式使用者介面開發—以 Titanium Mobile 為例


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李易修(Justin Lee)


Titanium Mobile是一套開源的跨平台行動應用程式開發框架,讓開發者以javascript開發原生的Android、BlackBerry與iOS應用程式。我打算使用Titanium Mobile結合COSCUP API開發一套跨平台ConferenceWare,並藉由此案例分享以Titanium Mobile開發跨平台使用者界面的最佳實踐。

阿修,李易修(Justin Lee),專注於互動設計與程式設計領域,目前於赫迅互動科技有限公司擔任使用者經驗架構師,同時也是UiGathering創會成員與工作小組理事。閒暇時間喜歡把玩各種最新的科技玩意,思考其設計理念。最近把重心放在Titanium Mobile跨平台應用開發框架應用程式開發與推廣。


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「GAMMA羊」是使用Arduino為基礎開發的療癒系機器寵物,將於今年的台灣設計師週展示開發雛形,當人們回到空無一人的家中, 看到GAMMA 羊處於待機型態, 漫無目的的滾動, 使用者可以從GAMMA 羊前方或後方發出巨大聲響, GAMMA 羊 受驚時將會邊滾動邊發出快樂的聲音, 歡迎主人回家; 或發出抱怨的聲音, 埋怨主人為什麼要嚇它。

「GAMMA 羊」企圖將公仔的形象與開源硬體結合,透過玩樂的方式推廣開放式硬體的使用與教學,未來計畫有不同的版本能接受硬體的組裝,以及透過簡易的介面開放使用者重新設計GAMMA羊的互動行為。


  1. 素 體 - 擁有基本功能,提供使用者自行設計繪製
  2. 黑 武 士 - 開放版本, 讓玩家在現有裝備功能下, 使用Arduino介面自行撰寫, 或者是進行操縱
  3. 設計師塗裝版 - 將與各式具象徵圖像的設計師合作, 邀請青年設計師進行外裝創作
  • 2005 – 2009 國立交通大學建築研究所 數位媒材研究組‧理學碩士
  • 2000 – 2005 元智大學資訊工程學系‧工學學士 輔修資訊傳播數位媒體設計組

Work Experience

  • 2011 國立政治大學數位內容學位學程 數位藝術課程‧協同講師
  • 2011 國立台中技術學院多媒體設計系 畢業專題製作課程‧業界協同指導
  • 2011 東海大學「互動中講設計」工作坊‧講師
  • 2010 – 2011 明道大學數位設計系‧兼任講師
  • 2010 財團法人榮嘉文化藝術基金會‧駐村藝術家
  • 2010 國立政治大學數位內容學位學程 Arduino 互動設計‧短期課程講師
  • 2009 – 2010 國軍on-line, 士林憲兵隊‧線譯人員
  • 2009 ASUS DESIGN「共自然」互動設計工作坊‧助教
  • 2009 台中20號倉庫鐵道藝術村‧駐村藝術家
  • 2008 U19玩趣創意工作坊, 交通大學‧應援講師
  • 2008 國立交通大學 Michael Fox互動建築工作坊‧助教
  • 2007 國立交通大學「運算美學與互動設計」‧助教
  • 2007 雲林科技大學 IDCID 2007工作坊‧互動講師
  • 2006 – 2007 國立交通大學「人文社會藝術講座」‧助教
  • 2005 – 2007 國立交大建築所Lab網管
  • 2004 生命中之貴人設計工作室‧多媒體互動設計師
  • 2003 展茂光電‧助理工程師


  • 2011 嶺東科技大學 自由軟體研發晉應用系列講座 講題-「從自由軟體到自由硬體-以Arduino為例」
  • 2011 交大建築展論壇系列活動‧「互動藝術」
  • 2010 國立台中技術學院多媒體設計系 講題-「情非得已之互動生存之道」
  • 2010 雲林科技大學SoftLab‧「interactive2go - 互動這條不歸路」
  • 2010 靜宜大學資工系‧「Arduino用於概念創作與製作」
  • 2009 開源人年會 COSCUP 2009‧「開放源碼硬體開發套件(Arduino)對於設計與創作的影響」
  • 2009 OpenLab.Taipei共玩#2‧「Arduino創作經驗分享」

Exhibitions & Performance

  • 2011 9月 表演藝術與科技整合「露希安娜娜的晚餐」‧舞臺未定 木天寮互動雜工作宅 & 李清照私人劇團
  • 2011 5月-6月 「電子妖怪祭」‧寶藏巖國際藝術村
  • 2011 3月 交大建築展-校友創作展區‧POST, 交大藝文空間
  • 2010 10月 「色感手錶 AirColor」互動硬體整合, 東京設計師週, 東京, 日本
  • 2010 8月 「Summer Beat」‧夏日滴答音樂祭, 新竹國家藝術園區, 台灣
  • 2010 1月 「窺 Push = Play」‧20號倉庫藝術家聯展, 台中20號倉庫, 台灣
  • 2009 12月 「What’s up! Jelly!」‧作品邀請展出, 彰化明道大學,台灣
  • 2009 9月 「心聆 MindEar」‧台灣設計師週, 台北華山藝文中心, 台灣
  • 2009 5月 「天神的所在 Bamboo Light」, 東海大學表演藝術月邀請藝術家靜態展出, 台中東海大學, 台灣
  • 2008 12月 「What’s up! Jelly!」, 20號倉庫鐵道藝術村駐村藝術家複選展, 台中20號倉庫, 台灣
  • 2008 9月 「Babble Bike」, S-Chatten:Connector交大跨領域團隊聯展, 德意志橋, 科隆, 德國
  • 2008 5月 「Babble Bike」, S-Chatten:Connector交大跨領域團隊校內展, 交通大學中正堂, 新竹, 台灣
  • 2007 2月 「Home Pub」, 明日建築展 - 明日智慧空間, 台北市立美術館, 台灣

A virtual storage appliance based on GlusterFS and OpenStack

Video 1

Ben Jai (翟本喬) / Ovid Wu (吳志偉)

This solution was inspired by Gluster Virtual Storage Appliance for Amazon Web Services - a software only storage solution deployed in public cloud environment. We will introduce briefly both Open Source projects - GlusterFS and OpenStack, and then share how we've built a similar virtual storage appliance in an analogous environment based on GluserFS and OpenStack. GlusterFS is a scale-out NAS (network attached storage) solution for cloud. OpenStack is an Open Source Cloud Computing platform for both public and private clouds with its strong ecosystem (including Ubuntu, Citrix, Cisco, Dell, and so on).

Dr. Jai (翟本喬) joined Cloud Technology Center of Delta Electronics Inc. as Senior Director in April 2010. He is responsible for improving, integrating, and extending Delta’s power, cooling, and IT technology offerings into a complete solution product line targeted at the cloud computing market. Prior to joining Delta Electronics, Dr. Jai worked for Google for seven years, during which time he served as the chief architect of server platforms in the Mountain View office, engineering manager in the Taipei office, and on data center R&D in the Mountain View office. He is known for designing Google’s energy-efficient servers and power supply schemes, as well as the built-in UPS architecture for servers. Before Google, Dr. Jai worked in Bell Labs as a researcher for four years, and as an independent hardware/software consultant for fifteen years before that. He has extensive experience in software engineering, object-oriented programming, parallel and distributed computing, networking, computer architecture, electrical engineering, as well as cloud computing. Dr. Jai received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from New York University in 1999, and his B.S. in Mathematics from National Taiwan University in 1987. He was the first student to ever skip a grade in Taiwan, and was among the first group of students to have bypassed the Unified College Entrance Exam to go to college with full scholarship.

Ovid Wu (吳志偉) is a senior engineer and project lead at the Cloud Technology Center of Delta Electronics, Inc. Prior to that, he has gained extensive knowledge and experiences in Cloud Computing at the Institute for Information Industry. Ovid served as the R&D and project manager of Taiwan Research Cloud Project. He was also the deputy project director of Cloud Computing Experiment Center at Kaohsiung Software Park responsible for Migration Technologies of SME Cloud Services Project. His current research interests are in cloud storage solution and network virtualization.

My sofa wants a new form factor (GNOME for tablets)

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Bastien Nocera

After the netbook revolution started by Asus' EeePC, the tablet market that Microsoft said didn't exist got lifted off the ground by Apple's iPad. Following in Apple's footsteps, tablets in various form factors have flooded the market.

We'll discuss what it takes for the Linux Free Desktop in general, and GNOME in particular to be a credible alternative on this exciting segment of the market. This talk is targeted at platform and application developers, as well as enthusiast who like cool demos.

Bastien buys gadgets, and then tries to make them work. Yes, it's his day job.

Openframeworks x Smartphone!!!


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Openframework (OF) 是一個以C++為基礎,專為設計師和藝術家所設計出來的開放工具,透過簡單直覺的框架,將各種常用的函式庫組裝起來,讓創作者更容易快速實作自己的想法,做出有創意的互動作品!更難得的是,OF同時支援在mobile device上的開發,讓創作者不需要考慮電腦平台的問題,也能很容易地將想法實現在Android與iPhone上面!

*Openframeworks: //www.openframeworks.cc/


RepRap 3D Printer

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張耀東 (Sunny Arky)

RepRap是一種開源式原型製作的桌上3D印表機. 由於RepRap可以製作出大部份的原型,同時RepRap是一個任何人都可以花費自己的時間和精力製作出的玩意——傳說中的自我複製機. 這就意味著當你自己弄出一個來後,你除了可以用它沒事打點 有用的玩意,你還可以沒事再複製出一個送給你的朋友...

RepRap從事於研究自我複製的機器, 致力於使RepRap系列機器“開源”給每一個感興趣的人. 我們雖然使用3D列印的方式進行自我複製, 但如果你用別的技術也可以實現自我複製,並且願意“開源”了你的玩意, 那好嘞,哥們,這裏就有你的地盤。

Sunny Arky, 1967. Mechanical Engineering, NCKU/Taiwan Familiar with Debian, Embedded Linux, Auto Control System, DOC System, etc.

運用企鵝龍打造多人 Hadoop 叢集 -- hadoop.nchc.org.tw 營運經驗分享

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就技術層面來說,雲端資料中心的基礎架構仍以電腦叢集為組成元件。為了能在資料中心快速佈署雲端運算的運算環境,單一系統映像(Single System Image,SSI)與組態佈署管理工具(Configuration Management Tools)是架構即服務(IaaS)的雲端服務供應商必須具備的重點技術。國網中心基於過去建置超級電腦與自建叢集的技術經驗,開發了無碟叢集管理工具「企鵝龍(DRBL, Diskless Remote Boot in Linux)」與大規模硬碟映像檔佈署工具「再生龍(Clonezilla)」。運用這兩項工具,能有效簡化並加速打造雲端資料中心的流程,而且提供了一個輕量級的叢集管理工具。

國網中心於 2008 年著手導入雲端資料探勘 Hadoop 平台;基於企鵝龍(DRBL)快速佈署無碟叢集的技術,於 2009 年六月開放台灣第一座公用Hadoop資料探勘實驗叢集;並於 2010 年釋出 DRBL-Hadoop Live CD 供有興趣的使用者進行實驗佈署。本次將分享我們如何打造 hadoop.nchc.org.tw 這座多人叢集,以及在對外營運期間,我們如何將原有十二台機器,擴充至二十一台機器,讓整個擴充過程可以於八小時內完成(包含將十二顆320GB小硬碟複製到1.5TB新硬碟,重新格式化擴充的硬碟空間)。

王耀聰 Jazz Yao-Tsung Wang

國家高速網路與計算中心\副研究員 軟體技術組\副組長 國立交通大學電機與控制工程學系\碩士

常戲稱自己的專長是『不學無術』,目前從事雲端運算基礎架構之研發,主要包含 Hadoop 雲端運算平台與 Xen 虛擬化叢集佈署工具開發。國網中心任職八年,曾參與生態格網(感測網路)、視訊格網(多媒體串流)、捷運內湖線移動式無線管理單元開發(無線網路快速漫遊)。長期為自由軟體實驗室成員,並致力於整合自由軟體於校園教學環境為目標。2009年因身為企鵝龍與再生龍團隊成員,榮獲行政院科技貢獻獎。未來四年目標希望持續加強高速運算方面的專長,推動校園雲端教育平台(Class Cloud),特別是在科學研究方面的應用。

專長:分散式系統(Distributed System)、感測網路(Sensor Network)

Plasma Active: A Truly Open and Innovative Solution for Consumer Devices

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Aaron Seigo

A system for building reliable, exciting, modern user interfaces for consumer electronics devices that is both Free software and developed fully in the open has been long sought after. Building on the solid building blocks of Linux and Qt and offering integration with platforms such as MeeGo, KDE's Plasma Active combines a fully transparent development ecosystem, 100% Free-as-in-freedom and royalty-free software with an innovative approach to creating user interfaces at low engineering costs.

This presentation will share the results of this community-driven and corporation-backed project and show how you can also get involved. We will see how QtQuick and Javascript combine to produce stunning results that are CPU and OS neutral with minimal effort. Plasma Active for tablet devices will be the highlighted device form factor during the presentation, though smartphones, netbooks and laptops will also be covered in brief. Demonstrations of available stock software such as office document viewers and mapping will also be demonstrated.

Millions of lines of code, thousands of applications, desktop environments, netbook and mobile user interfaces and ubiquitous solutions such as WebKit have all come out of one of the most productive, active and large Free and Open Source communities in the world: KDE.

Over its 15 years of history, thousands of individuals and dozens of companies from around the world have contributed to the success that is KDE. This presentation looks at who and what KDE is today and the products this vibrant community produces.

Aaron Seigo is a core KDE developer who has been working with the project since the KDE 2.0 release. Aaron Seigo first began working in the software industry as a developer in 1992, has both owned and run a variety of software companies and is a past-president and board member of KDE's global non-profit foundation, KDE e.V. Today, Aaron focuses exclusively on Free and Open Source software and, as the founder and chief architect behind KDE's Plasma technology, works on the development of promotion of KDE's Plasma and other software. Named one of the 40 most influential people in IT by silicon.com in 2008, Aaron speaks and write internationally on topics related to open source, business and sustainability.

Open Source, Mobile, Cloud, and Medical Images


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Michael Pan

Mobile collaborative teleradiology allows the viewing of medical images on mobile devices and the collaboration between doctors and patients about those images. This technology can improve the quality and efficiency of providing patient care in numerous ways:

  • Radiologists called when they are not at the hospital do not have to go to a reading room, and can provide diagnosis immediately .
  • Doctors can collaborate with each other regardless of their geographic location.
  • Doctors can review notes with patients without the patient needing to visit the doctor office.
  • Patients can have full control of their medical images as they can carry them (and any doctor- added notations), useful if/when they seek a second opinion.

nephosCT is a mobile collaborative teleradiology platform enabled by open source cloud computing technologies. This talk will cover both the motivation for such a platform and an overview of its implementation.

Michael Pan is the Founder and CEO of Nephosity. He has over 10 years experience in the development and deployment of distributed, grid, and cloud computing paradigms in enterprise settings. Prior to Nephosity, Michael worked at DreamWorks Animation, where he was the lead for the studio renderfarm workflow system. That work was nominated for a 2010 Academy SciTech Award. He is credited on films such as Shrek the Third, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, and Shrek Forever After, and MegaMind. Before DWA, Michael led the workflow computing group at the NIH Center of Computational Biology. He has also worked at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and HP Labs on other distributed and web­scale computing projects. Michael has a M.S. in computer science from UCLA and a B.A.S. in digital media from the University of Pennsylvania.

Keynote: Intel - Multiplying Opportunities for your Apps

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Anthony Hu

Anthony Hu is the Group Manager of Intel APAC Regional Developer Relationship Division of Software and Services Group, Intel Corporation. He is in charge of APAC software solutions providers’ account relationship with Intel. Hu previously had served as Strategic Relationship Manager at Intel Taiwan, managed the Intel Taiwan Solution Provider Program to enabling developers and solution providers to deliver Business Solutions on the Intel platform.

Hu joined Intel Taiwan in 1998. Prior to Intel Taiwan, he worked as Marketing Department Manager of Gainward Co., Ltd., Product Manager of Ulead systems, and Senior R&D Engineer at Eten. Hu has published papers on fuzzy logic controller at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Hu holds Master of Computer Science from University of Tulsa.

MeeTo: Android meets MeeGo ( on NOOK Color )

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Ping-Hsun Chen (penk)

以 NOOK Color 這台號稱最具「可黑性 (hackability)」的平板裝置為基礎,搭配活躍的社群,移植 MeeGo Core 元件並以 Android 核心打造一台 MeeGo 平板。

本講題中土炮 (home-brewed) 的元件包括了:多點觸控驅動與調教、手指操作的 WebKit 瀏覽器、QML 繪製的精美鍵盤與 Node.js 打造的控制台。神祕的「One More Thing」也將於現場揭曉。

網頁與自由軟體開發者,xPUD 及 MeeTo 專案發起人,以老派搖滾樂、科幻小說與排球為樂。投入開放源碼相關運動,撰寫軟體並翻譯文件書籍,喜愛日暮頌歌合唱團、馮內果以及 Perl 語言。

The Kernel Report, 20th Anniversary Edition

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Jonathan Corbet

The Linux kernel is at the core of any Linux system; the performance and capabilities of the kernel will, in the end, place an upper bound on what the system as a whole can do. This talk will review recent events in the kernel development community, discuss the current state of the kernel and the challenges it faces, and look forward to how the kernel may address those challenges. Attendees of any technical ability should gain a better understanding of how the kernel got to its current state and what can be expected in the near future.

Jonathan Corbet is a Linux kernel contributor, co-founder of LWN.net (and the author of its Kernel Page), and the lead author of Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Shuttle: The secret of Unexec / Rise of the tablet

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Wilson Tien / Dave Ward

Dave Ward (華大衛 (音譯)) is taking charge of OEM Computing at DSGi. With his effort, Advent Vega becomes most popular Android Tablet in Europe. Advent Vega was a joint designed Android Tablet with Shuttle and DSGi. Dave will give a speech on how the community was built up and what’s the next big thing on this energetic community. The core team member will also share the stage talking about how they see Android Tablet in the new era and how the ecosystem can make things happen in an honored way.

ezScrum 團隊 - 每旋轉一圈我們就更向前一步

Video 1



ezScrum團隊的成員之一,Certified ScrumMaster 2010。主要負責ezScrum軟體的開發與Scrum的推廣活動,除此之外目前正在整理使用Scrum開發的案例資料,希望可以透過這些引起更多人對於Scrum的興趣。

Wayland and EGL

Video 1

吳佳一 (olv)

Wayland 是用於 compositor 與應用軟體溝通的通訊協定, 以及此通訊協定的 C 函式庫實作. 相較於 X11, Wayland 更簡單, 易於實作, 且有效率. 同時它也是 MeeGo 1.3 可能採用的視窗系統. 這場演說會介紹 Wayland 的設計以及該如何實作.

Mesa EGL 主要開發者. 參與 Wayland 所使用之 EGL extensions 制定以及 Wayland 在部份平台的支援.



Video 1


由於自由軟體容許使用者修改與散布,因此許多開發者都會利用既有的自由軟體元件,來加速專案的開發時程。不過在取得快速開發優勢的同時,卻產生了不少元件授權狀態衝突與違反授權規定的問題。這些問題的根源之一在於,許多自由軟體的授權標示方式與內容並不友善:資訊可能藏在網站或檔案的某個角落,難以搜尋取得,即使找到,其中的文字也可能過於簡略,無法讓開發者全面理解到元件中所有的授權內容。因此從去年開始以Linux Foundation 為首的自由軟體推動組織發起了SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) 計畫,希望透過建立自由軟體授權標準資訊的方式,減輕目前標示不清所產生的問題,進而讓自由軟體的利 用更為便捷。目前 SPDX 計畫的產出已經略具規模,開放源碼促進會 (Open Source Initiative, OSI) 也根據這個計畫的內容,修改了網站上面授權條款的標示。因此本場次將會介紹目前常見的自由軟體標示方式、說明過往產生的相關問題,並針對 SPDX 計畫的內容做概要介紹,作為國內社群與廠商開發與利用自由軟體時參考之用。

林誠夏 (Lucien Lin) ,網路暱稱為 "Lucien" 或 "lucien.cc",知識背景是科技法律,於2005年開始專職研究自由軟體授權條款,專長在於自由軟體授權條款的解說分析,以及自由軟體商業運用模 式的觀察記錄。目前任職於中央研究院自由軟體鑄造場,負責法政研究與自由軟體鑄造場電子報的編輯工作。更多的活動參與及工作記錄請參閱OSSF Who's Who的個人資料表://www.openfoundry.org/tw/community/userprofile/lucien

葛冬梅 (Florence Ko) ,網路暱稱為 "Florence" 或"tmk2005",於2005年開始專職研究自由軟體授權條款,專長在於自由軟體授權條款相容性分析、條款衝突的解決方案提供、程式碼釋出方案規劃 等。目前任職於中央研究院自由軟體鑄造場,負責法政研究的工作,同時亦為自由軟體鑄造場電子報「法律專欄」編輯。關於更進一步的個人資訊請見OSSF Who's Who的個人資料表://www.openfoundry.org/tw/community/userprofile/tmk2005

使用 Jenkins 持續集成與發佈 Android 應用程式


Video 1


Jenkins (//jenkins-ci.org/) 是個廣為使用的持續集成(Continue Integration)框架,可以協助軟體工程師統合處理各種圍繞著「寫程式」之外的程式開發工作(如版本控制、環境設定、編譯、測試、發佈)。

在這個議程中將和大家分享實際使用Jenkins持續集成與發佈Android App,讓管理多應用程式變得更容易的經驗。


  • Jenkins and Hudson
  • Setup Jenkins Continue Integration (CI) environment
  • Cooperate with Android
  • Build Android App with Ant and Jenkins
  • Test Android App with Emulator and Jenkins
  • Release App and api doc with jenkins

gasolin 是 Taipei GTUG 社群的組織者,長期參與Python與自由軟體社群。愛好程式與閱讀,同時也是Android程式設計書籍作者。興趣在移動設備與網站/網路協定整合開發。




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我們已經設計出了功能完整的「虛擬機器與組譯器」,以及過度簡化的「編譯器與軟體 CPU」。現在,我們將朝向一個更遠大的目標前進,那就是「設計一整台開放原始碼電腦」,這台電腦從「電路板、CPU、組譯器、編譯器到作業系統」,通通都會是開放原始碼的,我們必須告訴學生們,設計一台完整的電腦,並不只是一個夢想。


我們所使用到的開放原始碼專案有 Arduino (電路板)、TinyCC (編譯工具鏈)、UNIXxv6 (作業系統),然後會自行用 VHDL 設計 CPU,並自行撰寫組譯器,虛擬機等,如此就能形成一台完整的開放原始碼電腦。




CPU0-Mini : 先使用 VHDL 設計出 CPU0 中的 LD, ST, ADD, JMP 等四個指令,以便設計出一個小型的 CPU,我們稱為 CPU0-Mini。設計好之後先在 Altera Quartus II 上模擬執行,成功後在 Altera 的 FPGA 板子上進行實體測試,最後用 FPGA 掛到 Arduino 上執行。 CPU0 : 有了上述的經驗之後,就可以完整的設計出 CPU0 的所有指令 (36 個),然後同樣先在 Altera Quartus II 上模擬執行,成功後在 Altera 的 FPGA 板子上進行實體測試,最後用 FPGA 掛到 Arduino 上執行。


在上述硬體開發的同時,我們將進行軟體的開發,由於目前 CPU0 的虛擬機與組譯器都已經設計好了,因此只要再進行下列動作即可。

cc0:(TinyCC 移植) 研究 TinyCC 並進行完整的文件說明,然後將 TinyCC 移植到 CPU0 的虛擬機上進行測試 (主要修改程式碼產生的部分)。同時修改其連結器的設計方式,以變建構出 LD0。 os0 : (UNIXxv6 移植) 研究 UNIXxv6 並進行完整的文件說明,然後將 UNIXxv6 移植到 CPU0 的虛擬機上進行測試 (主要修改組合語言部分)。


Computer0:當軟硬體部分都好了之後,就可以利用 cc0 編譯 os0,然後將產生出的目的碼放到 BIO0 板子上的啟動區當中,進行最後的整合測試。完成的成品就是我們的終極產品 — Computer0 了。


我們認為,設計一台開放原始碼電腦具有重要的意義,絕對不只是在「重新發明輪子」(Reinvent the wheel) 而已。或許這個計畫的產品在商業市場上沒有太大的競爭力,也不會讓我們賺到很多錢,因為所有的元件與程式都不是「成本最低化、效率最大化」的結果,但卻是設計最簡單,最容易理解的一台電腦。


如果我們的教授只是努力的去寫論文,發表論文,為了增加 SCI/EI 論文篇數而投注所有的心力,那我想這種大學教育是失敗的,我們需要一種更多元化的大學教育,我們需要以實作奠定教育的扎實基礎,我們需要允許很多老師與學生「重新去發明輪子」。只有透過重新發明輪子,我們才能造出更好的汽車。




  • 職務:國立金門大學 / 資訊工程系 / 助理教授

  • 信箱:ccc@nqu.edu.tw

  • 首頁://ccckmit.wikidot.com/

  • 學歷:

    • 1997.09 - 2002.07:台灣大學資訊工程所博士
    • 1992.09 - 1994.06:台灣大學資訊工程所碩士
    • 1988.09 - 1992.06:交通大學資訊科學系學士
  • 經歷:

    • 2002/02 - 2003/07:松下(PTL) 網路實驗室  — 職務:研發工程師、市場研究、專利撰寫、系統開發、程式設計。  — 時期:此時我是台大資工博士班四年級的學生,博士候選人。
    • 1998/08 - 2000/03:加旭科技  — 職務:技術總監、創業夥伴,加入同學彭振維的公司,開始了一段網路創業夢。  — 時期:此時我是台大資工博士班三年級學生,很混的博士生。
    • 1996/06 - 1998/02:中研院資訊科學所 許聞廉的實驗室  — 職務:研究助理,懷抱著對人工智慧技術的熱誠,進入全國最高的研究機構。  — 時期:退伍後的第一個工作,一年後進入台大資工博士班就讀。
    • 1992/03-1993/02:江川科技  — 職務:兼職工讀生。  — 時期:此時我是台大資工碩士班一年級學生。

Contribute to Linux Kernel

Video 1

Ike Panhc

Talking about how to send your patches to upstream kernel and the experience of interacting with subsystem maintainer.

Ike Panhc, works in Hardware Enablement Team at Canonical. Canonical is the number-one provider of Ubuntu services including Ubuntu Linux.

LibreOffice 在地化 - 談 LibreOffice 歷史與臺灣區發展困境

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LibreOffice 是 The Document Foundation 所提供的辦公生產力套裝軟體,是一套致力於文件建立、交換、修改、分享、列印的辦公軟體。The Document Foundation 將以獨立基金會之姿,打著 LibreOffice 的旗幟繼續提供自由的辦公軟體。

本講題將講述 LibreOffice 的歷史,與 LibreOffice 正體中文團隊的困境,以及臺灣區 LibreOffice 社群的發展狀況。

參與多項自由軟體翻譯專案,其中包括 GNOME、KDE、Xfce、Ubuntu、Fedora、LibreOffice 等。

目前為 Fedora 臺灣區大使與 LibreOffice 中文團隊協調人。

Now.in 背後的技術 - Python軍火庫


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林芳本 (Victor Lin)

Now.in線上廣播平臺是一個可以讓任何人輕易建力電臺或收聽線上頻道的免費廣播平臺,從2009年年底上線至今在Alexa的排名已經來到台灣六百多名,全球排名六萬多名,佔用的頻寬在峰值已經達成1Gbps,開始開發到上線只有一個人用了一年,在同樣的人力資源下從營運、管理,運作並持續改進也是由一個人完成的 能夠用如此少的人力在課餘時間完成,背後最主要的原因是用用Python和其豐富地第三方開源資源來達成快速開發,整個專案所跨的程式從後端伺服器、前端網頁、前端GUI到管理工具全是清一色以Python實作,在這個議程中希望可以介紹這些用到的技術,提供大家一個全數使用Python開源資源來達成大型專案的完整解決方案之概觀,來取代昂貴且封閉的商業解決方案,除此之外還有遇到的困難以及解決方法等等經驗的分享

Now.in 創辦人 從國一開始寫程式的阿宅,目前最喜歡的與言為 Python。 Blog: //blog.ez2learn.com

Liquid Galaxy


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陳更欣 (Seventeen)

Liquid Galaxy 是由 Google 的工程師自發性地運用 20% 的工作時間進行開發;透過 Liquid Galaxy,「Google 地球」使用者將能體驗身歷其境的新奇感受。只要步入四周擺滿螢幕的小房間,就能在一瞬間飛到世界各地,親眼目睹山嶺、建築物、山谷,甚至透視海底世界。

An open source software user since senior high school. Right now Seventeen Chen is a Site Reliability Engineering at Google.

Device Tree on ARM

Video 1

趙至敏(softpapa )

Device tree is defined syntax and data structure, used to pass hardware configuration information to kernel at booting. It derives from PowerPC and is applied to ARM platform in recent two years to solve messing and hardcoded hardware configuration. The talk will introduce device tree including the basic background, the basic work flow between kernel and bootloader, the syntax to describe hardware, and the preset status for ARM Linux.

  • 2010/04~ preset International Games System
  • 2007/03 ~ 2010/04 AndesTech

Open source developer for pcmanx-gtk/qemu/buildroot/crosstool-ng

OpenOffice.org 的魔術沙盒—繽紛的零

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用OpenOffice.org,可以做到什麼?寫文件?做統計?寫巨集匯入匯出資料?用Impress特效做炫炫的簡報?去年,在時間的壓力下,我把整個Talk本身包裝為一個危險的Live Demo,展示了簡報搖控器、文件自動處理和即時資料處理;今年,我想做更瘋狂的事,嚐試去年限於時間壓力無法完成的瘋狂構想,挑戰 OpenOffice.org能做到的極限。或許這也不是極限。或許OpenOffice.org其實沒有極限,極限只在於你的想像力。

Apache OpenOffice.org Project Management Committee、EducOO.tw/OOo4Kids教育版Office團隊成員及中文計劃主持人、WoFOSS好自由—台灣女子自由軟體工作小組成員、師大資訊教育研究所碩士生。

OpenJDK 7: The universal language runtime

Video 1

Sunny Chan

OpenJDK 7 is the latest release of the Java Platform. In this release, there are a number of major innovation in the OpenJDK's Java Virtual Machine to enable other interpreted languages like Ruby, Python and PHP to run on the platform efficiently.

In this talk, I will give you 5 reasons why you should run your applications written in alternative languages like Ruby on the OpenJDK Runtime. I will also explore some of the common myths about running your application with the Java Runtime.

Sunny Chan is currently working in a major investment bank, providing support and consultation for developers on Java related issue. The area of focus for his team are performance tuning and problem resolution related to JVM, J2SE and J2EE technology, as well as evaluating upcoming technologies related to Java. Previously Sunny has been working as a developer in Java Technology Centre, IBM Development Laboratory at Hursley, developing and supporting IBM's JVM. He is the leader of Hong Kong Java User Group

第二天 (8/21)

Keynote: 0xlab 開放原始碼作為新事業:台灣本土經驗談


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Jim Huang 黃敬群(jserv)

0xlab developer blog (0xlab): //jserv.blogspot.com/ blog: //blog.linux.org.tw/jserv/

HTML5 and Friends: intelligence client side

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Paul Rouget

The goal of the talk would be to show that the browser can do "complex and rich" operations, and that the power of the web is not only client side.

Paul Rouget is a Firefox developer and a technology evangelist at Mozilla. He is instrumental in combining the latest and greatest open Web technologies. His goal is to push the boundaries of the Web and ensure that it continues to develop into an open and accessible platform for all. Paul works closely with the platform team at Mozilla to explore how new technologies can continue to improve Firefox. He has been involved with the Mozilla project since 2003 both as a volunteer and as staff.

0xlab : Android 自動化測試與 QA 輔助工具

Kan-Ru Chen / 朱立

Android 借自由軟體之力發展軟體平台,本身由數百多個大小不同子專案組成,Android 平台的開發者要如何捕捉各專案的發展趨勢與確保品質?將介紹 0xlab 自行開發的 QA 與自動化測試輔助工具。

  • Developer, 0xlab

SVG 和 OpenVG 的實機範例

Video 1

李圭峰 (Thinker)

SVG 是 W3C 的向量圖行格式,用於表達向量圖形。向量繪圖通常帶隨著大量的運算,但透過簡單的 2D 加速,在低階的平台也能有順暢的表現。我就將使用支援 OpenVG 2D 加速的 SoC,展示如何使用 SVG 和 Javascript 於 HD 的解析度下執行互動的、以動畫為基礎的使用者介面。本主題包括架構、工具和 live demo。

無固定工作的自由軟體開發者。專長是建立新專案,並拋棄舊專案。近年來專心於 MadButterfly 專案,開發 GUI 環境和工具。

土炮 Window Manager


3D TV Remoter


Testdroid - Test And Promote Your Android

郭冠宏 (GGM)

Testdroid 工具,可以讓你更容易去測試,開發,管理,同時發佈在多台機器上。並有效的收集 Tester Data ,有效的解決 Android 在多樣性平台上測試困難。最後加入 Social Testing 元素,不僅源碼開放,也讓測試行為開放,更能增進開發效率。

現是個很菜的大學生,喜歡寫 code,希望有朝一日可以變成優秀工程師。喜歡寫 code 配咖啡,因為謠傳成功的 startup 都喜歡在咖啡廳工作,但是沒錢,大部分的時候還是用即溶咖啡,喜歡寫 code 聽 ELLEGARDEN,因為覺得這樣寫code 的 bug 比較少,無聊的時候會想些演算法的題目殘害自己,因為受過ACM-ICPC 的荼毒,有時候閉上眼睛會聽到一道題目,加入行動電話人機介面實驗室後,極力接觸 Android 和 iOS 的開發,還有些許的 UI design。所有的一切都還在努力學習當中。

AndroidVG: The power of OpenVG on Android

Video 1

Shuo-Hung Chen

AndroidVG is an open source library that implements OpenVG standard on Android. The OpenVG is a khronos group offered, cross-platform API that provides a low-level hardware acceleration interface for 2D vector graphics.

OpenVG is widely used on today's desktop through packages such as Flash and SVG. Many devices are equipped with OpenVG capable chips nowadays, yet there is no access to this powerful technology on Android. Games, e-book readers, portable mapping applications, SVG viewers and user interface can all make use of OpenVG to create fluid and scalable 2D vector graphics.

The AndroidVG project (//code.google.com/p/androidvg/) takes a very initial step to build this great standard on Android and takes advantage of OpenGL ES to speed up the rendering time in OpenVG library and provides Native/Java APIs for Android programmers. This project aims at making development of hardware accelerated graphics in hours instead of days.

We will give a brief introduction, library architecture overview and several interesting demos in this talk.

Shuo-Hung Chen has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University and is currently a Ph.D. student. He is an open source enthusiast and has been working on AndroidVG project since summer 2010.




Paul Liu

Yahoo: 無名小站的行動應用服務 (Mobile service)與實作經驗分享

Video 1


Share the experience from wretch mobile web development experience, like local storage, touch handling.

Engineering manager, F2E & Mobile team from Yahoo! Asia regional engineering

How to prevent fragmentation using Fragment

Tony Chan

Honeycomb is the latest Android release optimized for tablet user experience. In this talk, we will do a deep dive into one of the most important new features we introduced in this release - Fragment. Also, we will share with you some tablet UI best practices and development tips.

Tony Chan joined Google in 2007 as a developer program engineer. Since then, he helped developers with various Google products/APIs like Google Checkout, Apps and Android. Currently, Tony is a developer advocate for Android focusing on the APAC region. Prior joining Google, Tony was a senior application developer at the University of Michigan and a management consultant at PricewaterhouseCooper. He received his M.B.A and M.S.E. degrees from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Programming for the Future, Introduction to the Actor Model and Akka Framework


Video 1

何永琳 (yunglin)

It is hard to write concurrent program and it is harder to get it right. However, to make the most use of the multi-core CPU, concurrent programs are inevitable.

The actor model presents another solution to the concurrency issue. The asynchronous processing, transparent messages passing and fault-tolerance in Akka framework makes it suitable for building scalable and distributed systems.

In the talk, I will present the features of Akka framework and how to use it to build a scalable system in the cloud.


Founder of bluetang studio. Our team builds mobile search and analytics platform with Lucene, Akka, Scala and Amazn AWS. Prior to that, I was the software developer in Medio system, we built the mobile search for T-Mobile, Verizon, and Telus in north america. Also, I was the lead tester at the Real Networks, our team has delivered a successful webserivce for more than 30 clients.

UI 不要亂改!從 NicoFox 開始說起

小 b

Demo of Honeycomb x86


HTC Keynote: Open Source at HTC: Beyond Android

Video 1

Jan Yeh 葉佰蒼

想知道HTC除了Android作業系統之外,還有什麼也用到Open Source project嗎?HTC採用許多Open Source project來建置各項服務,包括htcsense.com,Tell HTC,Recommender以及R+。在此將與您分享我們使用Open Source project的案例與鮮為人知的故事...

GTUG, CloudTW, MobileMonday Taipei, Startup Weekend, UIGathering社群成員,2004-2010年Microsoft MVP。從西元兩千年開始投入mobile產業,曾經是創業比賽第一名,創辦及協同創辦過三家公司,也是幾個專利的發明人。

Kinect x Android x beagleboard-xM = Auto Chasing Turtle

Video 1

Noritsuna Imamura

This product is ""Auto Chasing Turtle"". By autonomous control, this robot recognizes people's face and approaches to the detected human. The scene that it is working in real time can be seen by iPad. It is built by using Kinect as sensor and using Linaro kernel + Android + openFrameworks as application framework. //www.siprop.org/ja/2.0/index.php?product%2FAutoChasingTurtle

I'm a coordinator of OESF(//www.oesf.biz)'s Open Lab(Taiwan&Japan) & future system WG(//fswg.oesf.biz/). And I'm a starting member of the biggest Android community in Japan(//android-group.jp).

PIXNET: Web Development on Cloud Platform


Video 1

林瑞男 (jnlin)

雲端服務已經成為近幾年來最夯的名詞之一,尤其對 Web Developer 來說,是現在非常重要的一個工具。我們痞客邦 PIXNET 現在也應用了許多雲端服務,無論是 IaaS、 PaaS 或 SaaS ,藉由 COSCUP 與各位開發者、使用者分享 PIXNET 應用雲端服務的實做與管理經驗。

PIXNET 打雜組一員,興趣主要在後端技術,偶爾也會寫寫前端的 Code。

HTC: Mobile Services UI Test Automation Using Open Source Tools

Video 1

Guile Chao (趙元甫)

HTC Technical Talk - Testing mobile services that include web and native mobile client UI is a tough challenge. - HTC will demonstrate and explain the key lessons learned in creating a UI automation environment that includes Hudson, Robotframework, Selenium, and Sikuli.

During 2001/6 to 2011/3, I work in TrendMicro. My role is a test developer. The main projects I ever participate are in house automation framework development and maintenance, I18N library maintenance, testing tool evaluation, consumer product test case automation and so on. In 2011/4, I join HTC company. The main job is sense.com related service automation test.

W3C WHATWG 與 Mozilla 的開放溝通環境


Open StreetMap 7 歲 Mapping Party


Printing Solution on Android Platform

Video 1

Tran Hoang Anh (Stefen)

20 min for CUPS on Android and 10 min for Android community in Vietnam.

OESF Vietnam Lab Engineer

New Stage ,New Game -- 浅谈 HTML5游戏 在 移动平台的应用

Video 1




淺談 GCC 編譯技術 - Break Compilation Boundaries with GCC

Video 1

唐文力(Luba Tang)

極限GCC,等待你挖掘。 源碼有許多難以察覺的界線,限制了編譯器最佳化能力。從迴圈、函式呼叫、源碼檔案、到函式庫與應用程式之間,都有界限。然而,最新的GCC已經突破了這些邊界,只待使用者利用。本次主題會從界線出發,介紹GCC中新穎與重要的最佳化技術。希望藉由這次的機會,分享過去開發編譯器的經驗,和與會的朋友們一起成長。

  • 聯發科技 編譯器平台技術/CTO 資深工程師 2011~present
  • Marvell 編譯器技術/處理器開發研究 資深軟體工程師 2010~2011
  • 清華大學資訊工程研究所 Logos嵌入式系統實驗室 博士候選人 2007~2010
  • 清華大學資訊工程研究所 系統軟體實驗室 碩士 2005~2006
  • 清華大學資訊工程學系 1999~2005



我不想再聽到 Python Web Framework 之 Pyramid 火力展示


Porting android to brand-new CPU architecture


Video 1

鄭孟璿 (Luse Cheng)

Since Android smartphone becomes popular recently, more and more programmers focus on Android system development. However, Android system is supported on ARM platform mostly. In this session, it is expected to cover details on porting android to brand-new CPU architecture and how to optimize it.

  • Bare new CPU architecture? (Platform quick-review)
  • OK, let go ! (Pre-requirement, bring up)
  • Life is not fair, get used to it (Android porting guideline)
  • How do you do your best? (Optimization)
  • Compiler Engineer at An Embedded CPU IP Company.
  • Compiler Lead at An Embedded CPU IP Company.
  • Full-time Open-Source Developer.
  • Part-time Open-Source Contributor.

讓 Django 專案直接開上GAE


Video 1

Winston / 王潔英(Ijs)

Django-nonrel 是個讓 Django ORM 有能力支援 NoSQL 資料庫的 Django 版本。它的長期目標是融入 Django 官方版本,讓未來的 Django 版本支援NoSQL。 與 djangoappengine 混搭是使用 Django-nonrel 的一個好方式,讓你漂亮得把你的Django專案開上 GAE 平台。 djangoappengine + Django-nonrel 幫你處理掉底 Django 跟 GAE 資料庫的轉換,與使用 GAE 寄送 Email 的問題。 大家一起來玩 Django-nonrel 與 djangoappengine,讓GAE上面充滿台灣人的app把!這丟係愛台灣啦!

Wingchen或是Winston,不喜歡穿西裝。最近決定積極投入社群與新創公司的阿宅,發現不用上班其實會比上班更忙,還有歪國人的東西沒有比較好,要對台灣有『極大』的自信。喜歡 java,python,與iOS,但是都還很菜,只是很愛玩。

Ijs 不愛解釋,I like JavaScript,I just shy。往年負責便當、點心、飲料、披薩,有鑑於去年COSCUP報名系統騎乘GAE的時候不幸落馬,造成便當數量大爆走,故畢業後轉型當技術人。喜歡前端 UI/UX 技術,揮舞著不愛穿西裝的 Wing,飛在G公司的雲端彼處。

KKBOX: 從一格空格說起... 淺談 debug


Video 1

周世中 (Maniac)

debug 對所有工程師來說, 是很大的一個痛... 這個議程試著依講者的經驗, 來討論怎麼樣來做 debug

KKBOX 打雜工程師,喜歡以最偷懶的方式做最多得做的事情的阿宅兼懶人一枚!

Open Build Service


SUSE Studio


Android Open Accessory API and ADK

Tony Chan

The speaker will give an overview of Android's Open Accessory API which allows Android devices to connect to other hardware via USB. The Arduino-based Development Kit will be introduced and a demo application will be shown.

Tony Chan joined Google in 2007 as a developer program engineer. Since then, he helped developers with various Google products/APIs like Google Checkout, Apps and Android. Currently, Tony is a developer advocate for Android focusing on the APAC region. Prior joining Google, Tony was a senior application developer at the University of Michigan and a management consultant at PricewaterhouseCooper. He received his M.B.A and M.S.E. degrees from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

WAI-ARIA is more than accessibility



Accessible Rich Internet Applications,是 W3C 親和力小組 (WAI) 所制定的標準,其是為了日益複雜的網路應用程式而生,提供一個標準的方法使用現有的 HTML 元素實作各種常見的使用介面,而且此一技術已經為各主流瀏覽器實作,除了親和力的助益之外, WAI-ARIA 還可以增進文件的語意,並解決一些 Rich Internet Application 開發上常見的問題,只要你對前端技術有興趣,都應該要了解 WAI-ARIA 。

othree 是 Moztw 和 HappyDesigner 社群成員,對於前端技術和網路標準發展等相關議題都有高度興趣,現職為博士班研究生。

Trend Micro: 開源工具:好神的軟體養成計劃

Video 1

Scott Wang(lunastorm)

回~憶過去,難用的 solution 忘不了,為何你還來,兜售我新版?...在軟體開發流程中,難搞的流程本身就是相當困擾人的一件事。許多公司都會引進昂貴的商業軟體,試圖掌控開發的進度及品質。但這些系統通常不易上手、不具彈性、且維護成本高昂。事實上,除了商業解決方案以外,還有許多簡單好用的開源工具,能夠協助打造出完善的開發流程,減輕軟體開發者的負擔。我們將會分享,在這場 Trend Micro 內部的造"神"運動裡,它們所扮演的角色,以及我們從中所得到的救贖。

菜逼巴工程師(一年又十一個月),老闆是飆仔。學生時代慣 C,現在每天泡爪哇咖啡,偶爾寫寫貝殼和蟒蛇腳本。沒事就佈署一組哈度開始跑 terasort,讓自己看起來好像很忙的樣子以及增加碳排放量。崇尚土炮精神,工作在搞最夯的雲端運算,對軟體工程也有些興趣。

Efficient Emacs


