More information about sponsors will be posted here when received.

Diamond Level


    願境網訊股份有限公司 (KKBOX Taiwan Co., Ltd.) 以領先之姿,於2004年6月推出台灣線上音樂市場首例合法串流模式的線上音樂品牌—KKBOX。在大中華市場首度創立此商業模式並成為標竿品牌,更成功的打開線上音樂合法授權的版權智慧觀念。目前KKBOX已獲逾220家唱片公司的合法授權,所擁有的音樂資料庫亦已超過百萬首,並擁有450萬的註冊會員,以及34萬的付費會員。

  • Canonical Ltd.

    Founded in late 2004, Canonical Ltd is a company headquartered in Europe with over 200 employees working in 23 countries (and counting). Canonical is the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu project.

    Our mission is to realise the potential of free software in the lives of individuals and organisations by:

    • delivering the world’s best free software platform
    • ensuring its availability to everyone
    • supporting it with high quality professional service offerings
    • facilitating the continued growth and development of the free software community
  • PIXNET Digital Media Corporation


  • Sun Microsystems Taiwan Limited

    Sun Microsystems, Inc. 自 1982 年創立以來,憑藉其獨特的眼光 – 網路即電腦(“The Network Is The ComputerTM“)– 成為業界最具優勢的硬體、軟體與服務之主要供應廠商,這此產品與服務不但使網際網路更具威力,也讓全球許多企業能順利成為網路公司。昇陽電腦公司現有 32,000 位員工,遍佈全球超過 100 個國家,2004 年投資 19 億美元於研發及設計,擁有超過 3500 個專利,名列 Fortune 500 大第 153,現有 76 億美元現金,十年來現金流都為正值,去年收入為 112 億美元(FY04),installed base 收入超過 1320 億美元,網址 //。

    昇陽電腦股份有限公司在台成立於 1988 年,初期以美國 Sun 台灣分公司營運,自一九九七年四月正式成立 ”昇陽電腦股份有限公司”,以本土企業之名深耕台灣資訊產業。從售前業務行銷策略的顧問規劃與擬定、到整體系統售後的建置,並結合各行業的專業咨詢顧問組成完整支援組織架構。針對 Sun 開放式網路運算的理想環境,從瘦身型用戶端 (Thin Client)、高頻寬 (Thick Pipe)、大型伺服主機 (Fat Server)、高容量儲存 (Network Storage) 架構,將 Sun Ray 1、Sun Blade 系列工作站、Sun Fire 系列伺服主機、StorEdge 儲存設備等完整產品線,提供企業級整體解決方案。

Platinum Level

  • Thecus

    宏普科技成立於2004年,積極推展與建立色卡司“網路儲存專家”的自有品牌,擁有頂尖研發團隊, 專注於製造最高品質的網路儲存設備( NAS server ),以最先進的技術提供滿足安全儲存、資源共享、及操作簡易等需求的網路儲存( Storage server )解決方案。宏普銷售通路遍佈全球超過30個國家及地區,以利使用者購買高品質數位存取產品。

  • Linpus Technologies, Inc

    百資科技成立十年多來一直致力於擔任改革先驅的角色將簡易操作的開放系統解決方案帶入大眾消費市場。憑藉著多年卓越工程技術背景,百資己發展成世界級的軟體製造商之一。目前百資的產品和開發平台包括了:筆記型電腦、小筆電、手機、PDA、桌上型電腦、Arm、Intel X86、Moblin 及 Android 等。

    在 2008 年,由百資開發應用於小筆電上的作業系統 “Linpus Linux Lite”,己被宏碁、聯想、明碁等多家廠商選用,成為小筆電領域中領導性作業系統軟體產品。而現今在 2009 年,百資持續保持領先的地位:成為市場上首先將 Arm 和 Android 支援加入英特爾主導的 Moblin V2 產品的軟體開發廠商。

  • Institute for Information Industry


  • Microsoft Taiwan


  • Trend Micro

    趨勢科技股份有限公司是全球網際網路內容安全的領導品牌,致力於保障企業與消費者數位資訊交換環境的安全。身為業界的技術先驅,其領先的整合式資安威脅管理技術能遏阻惡意程式、垃圾郵件、資料外洩以及最新的 Web 資安威脅,確保企業營運不中斷,保障個人資訊與財產的安全。在2008年趨勢科技推出業界獨創、新一代的Smart Protect Network主動式雲端截毒技術,在威脅接觸到企業網路及用戶端前,可以在雲端即予以攔截,並配合全球1000多位資安威脅情資專家7天24小時全年無休的支援服務,提供用戶最即時、最完整的多層次安全防護。趨勢科技總部位於東京,透過業務合作夥伴將備受信賴的安全解決方案行銷全球。請造訪 //

  • QNAP

    QNAP Systems, Inc. is a privately held company founded in 2004 and is dedicated to bringing world class NAS storage, professional NVR video surveillance, and network video players to consumer, small/medium business, and entry level enterprise market segments. QNAP leverages not only hardware design but also a growing core competency in software engineering that is precisely focused on bringing to market products that offer the highest available performance coupled with outstanding reliability, scalability, and ease of installation and use. QNAP is a multi-national company with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, and subsidiary offices in China and the United States.

  • Google

    Google以創新的搜尋技術每日協助全球數以百萬計的用戶尋找所需的資料。Google於1998年由史丹福大學博士生Larry Page和Sergey Brin創立,如今已成為全球各大主要市場中的重要網站。Google之針對性廣告宣傳計劃為業內最具規模和增長最快速的,能夠為大小企業提供可量度之行銷效果,並且全面強化用戶使用萬維網的體驗。Google的公司總部設於美國矽谷,其辦事處網絡遍佈北美洲、歐洲和亞洲等地。有關 Google的更多資料,請瀏覽

  • Open Source Software Foundry

    The main purpose of OSSF is to train domestic community to creat OSS Projects and talented people of open source software. The duties include: spread the concept of open source software, gather domestic open source software communities, enhance the cultivation of talented people and industrial cooperation in Taiwan, and connect the software application models in Taiwan to globalization trend.

    To be acheived the goals of OSSF, three major platforms are built and five major services are provided. The three major platforms are: (1) Information collecting platform, (2) OpenFoundry, which is the projects hosting platform, (3) Who’s Who, which is the human resource anget platform. The five major services are: (1) Policy and legal advisory services, (2) Open source software newsletter, (3) Collection of professional resource catalog in open source software field, (4) Provide teaching materials and research reports related to open source software, (5) Hold various activities and workshops related to open source software.

  • 佳景科技股份有限公司 HomeScenario, Inc.

    HomeScenario, Inc. is a specialist in smart home solutions.  By integrating home control technologies and broadband networking, the HomeScenario products are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing home systems such as lighting, thermostat, door access, window shades, security monitoring, A/V equipment, and more. Homeowners can enjoy peace-of-mind with eco-friendliness, safety & security, comfort & convenience, all at affordable costs.

Gold Level

  • Bahamut

    一九九六年的秋天,一位資工所的研究生在苦思不著論文研究方向的時候,靈機一動,以電玩為主題,架設了一個 BBS 站,並以知名遊戲的召喚獸「巴哈姆特」命名之。「巴哈姆特」成立之後,吸引了當時許多熱愛電玩的學生加入,在這群玩家的熱心灌溉之下,巴哈姆特日漸茁壯,並在一九九九年時推出WEB網站,二○○○年時成立公司,全力投入「巴哈姆特」的經營,以成為華人最大電玩社群網站為目標而努力。 巴哈姆特的故事還沒結束,這只是一個開端,未來我們還有更長的路要走…

  • 0xlab

    0xlab is founded by a group of engineers with strong passion for technologies and belief in open source software in Taiwan. 0xlab is an open organization. We appreciate anyone’s participation in our projects and planning to contribute to the free software community. We uphold the spirit of free software beyond not only to make use of them, but also to actively cooperate with developers around the world.

  • Yahoo!奇摩


  • VIA Technologies, Inc.

    VIA Technologies, Inc is the foremost fabless supplier of power efficient x86 processor platforms that are driving system innovation in the PC, client, ultra mobile and embedded markets. Combining energy-saving processors with digital media chipsets and advanced connectivity, multimedia and networking silicon enables a broad spectrum of computing and communication platforms, including its widely acclaimed ultra compact mainboards.

  • 5V Technologies, Ltd.

    About 5V Technologies Ltd.

    With offices located in San Jose, California and Taipei Taiwan, 5V Technologies (5VT) is dedicated to the development of system on chip (SoC) embedded computing in the broadband communications area such as VoIP, PLC, Wi-Fi, WiMAX and PON.

    The 5VT1310 SoC series is powered by ARM926EJ-S processor, operating up to 300MHz with VoIP SoftDSP embedded, which has been widely deployed at various applications support like WiMAX IAD, Wi-Fi AP, ATA, IP-Phone and Home Gateway. The upcoming 5VT0910 SoC series is powered by ARM1136J-S processor, operating up to 800MHz, and embedded as well with powerful DSP-Core that running up to 300MHz. The 5VT0910 SoC also provides embedded Security Engine, USB-OTG*2, GMAC*2 and LCD-Controller which make the 5VT0910 SoC being  flexible  to be integrated at most applications like Smart-TA, Home Server, Digital Signage, Security Gateway, Dual-band 11n AP-Router, ..Etc.  5VT SoCs are well recognized by ODM/OEM partners on quality design-in support with volume shipments record starting 2007 for end-customers in Japan, Europe and America markets.

    5VT can be contacted at +1 408 2394049(USA) or +886 2 2788-8118(Taiwan) or at

    More information can be accessed at //