Diamond Level Sponsors
Quanta Research
Quanta Research Institute is Quanta’s research and development center for future technology and products; it is also the pioneering force in Cloud innovation. Through collaboration with domestic and oversea R&D resources, QRI develops the latest technology with talented staff, to strengthen Quanta’s core technology and create niche products. Taking “Human Centric Innovation” as our motto, through research that is closely related to the needs of end users, creating new user experience, as well as integrating Quanta’s product know-how and technology in servers, wireless connectivity and client devices, anyone can enjoy seamless Cloud service, anytime and anywhere. In the future, QRI will continue to devote in the development of advanced Cloud system and service, to create new value with the most innovative business model.
As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality.
Gold Level Sponsors
AppUniverz vision is to create an innovative entrepreneurial network launching valuable software services from University.
也許你早已認識KKBOX,也許你從沒聽過這個名字,有人說我們是一家科技公司,也有人說我們是數位音樂的代名詞,這些解釋,以上皆是。但我們喜歡這樣形容自己:“一個不受時空限制,讓人們輕鬆享受聽音樂並與同好分享樂趣的平台。”我們覺得能和朋友、音樂人一起分享喜歡的音樂,豐富彼此的社群生活,是一件很酷的事,因此我們每天都在思考著,如何讓人們輕鬆自由地透過音樂,與自己的朋友和喜歡的音樂人更靠近。KKBOX不是音樂家,也不是明星偶像,把網路技術玩到極致才是我們的強項。把音樂數位化不難,但是把音樂變得像乾淨的自來水一樣,讓人們無論在任何系統平台,用什麼上網工具,隨時、隨地都能聽到豐富而高品質的音樂,這就有一點門檻了。人們想要隨時隨地享受自己喜歡的音樂也不難,但讓大家和好朋友、名歌手一起邊聽音樂邊聊天,這門檻又更高了。更不要說KKBOX擁有上百萬的音樂資料庫,從華語、英語、日語到韓語,從流行、古典、爵士、搖滾、嘻哈到電音,從周杰倫到棉花糖,從Lady Gaga到火星人,只要是好聽的音樂,KKBOX絕不讓它們缺席。你問KKBOX還有哪些強項?動態歌詞方便你偷偷練唱,到KTV當歌王,放心播方便店家商場公開播放,吸引顧客上門捧場,音樂商店方便讓習慣擁有音樂的人下載單首收藏。簡單說,把聽音樂變得好方便、好Easy是KKBOX的最強項!
Delta Electronics, INC.
For nearly 40 years Delta Group has pursued the mission: "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow." With its focus on continuous innovation, Delta has become a global leader in a range of products and has received the Forbes Asia "Fabulous 50" Award for several consecutive years.
Delta Group has long implemented green manufacturing processes, recycling, waste management programs and has constructed environmentally-friendly green buildings. CNBC European Business magazine recently listed Delta Electronics as a "Global Top 100 Low-Carbon Pioneer"─ the only company from Taiwan featured on the list. In 2010, the management team received honors that include Ernst & Young's "Entrepreneur of the Year" and "CSR Entrepreneur" awards, CNBC's "2010 China Business Leader of the Year Award".
Yahoo! 奇摩
"Yahoo! is a technology powered media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the globe. Yahoo!’s unique combination of Science + Art + Scale connects advertisers to the consumers who build their businesses. For more information, visit the pressroom (pressroom.yahoo.com) or the company’s blog, Yodel Anecdotal (//ycorpblog.com/). Yahoo! operates under the name Yahoo!Kimo in Taiwan and today owns a number of properties which rank No. 1 in user reach including Search, News, Wretch, Knowledge +, Blogs, Mail, Shopping, Auction, Finance, Music, Movies and Sports. Yahoo!Kimo also provides a comprehensive suite of e-commerce services. In 2011, Yahoo! was among the Top 8 Best Brands in Taiwan. For more information, visit the company’s corporate blog (www.wretch.cc/blog/ycorpblog). *Source: TNS and Media Magazine – Asia’s Top 1000 Brands Survey 2011"
PIXNET Digital Media Corporation
PIXNET Digital Media Corporation (PIXNET), headquartered in Taiwan, serves as a social network website, online photo gallery, and blog service provider. The company is developing a large user following in the Greater China region. The web information company, Alexa, reports that PIXNET currently ranks eighth for total visitor traffic within Taiwan and ranks 736 for total visitor traffic worldwide.
Canonical's platform team leads the Ubuntu project and brings together the passion and genius of the open-source community. Released every six months, each new edition of Ubuntu is better than the last, harnessing new technologies to make it quicker, easier and more intuitive than ever.
Canonical works with hardware manufacturers like HP, Dell and Intel so Ubuntu can be delivered on the world's most popular devices. By working closely with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) Canonical ensures that Ubuntu offers a premium user experience that takes full advantage of hardware functions.
Open-source software relies on collaboration. That's why Canonical supports the development of tools that assist collaborative working, like Launchpad, Bazaar and Upstart.
InfinitesSoft was established in April 2003 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The companyfounders and the technical team are a group of engineers who are experienced atdeveloping JavaEE system in the IT software system development field. Since 2003,they have used the open source of JBoss, the ObjectWeb, and Enhydra to developmany plans of social networking sites. InfinitesSoft was authorized by Red Hat asthe advanced business partner in Taiwan, and the service supplier of JBoss and RHELapproved by Red Hat.InfinitesSoft offers services including cloud computing, SOA solutions, JBosssolutions, business process management solutions, a JavaEE systems development,technology consulting, and outsourcing services. InfinitesSoft develops softwarewhich is based on Java and combined with cloud computing technology, middlewaretechnology, SOA technology, virtualization technology, BPM technology, object-oriented technology, and distributed component, etc. InfinitesSoft has manycostumers in all trades and professions.In addition, we have the ability to complete projects with integrated softwareresources. With many years of experience in various projects, we provide quick andcomplete system development solution for our customers. Besides the practicaldeveloping project experience and successful cases, InfinitesSoft has marketpotential based on the Cloud Computing, SOA, Middleware, JavaEE, and BPM.We will continue to focus on technological innovation and solutions in the CloudComputing, SOA, the BPM, and the JavaEE Middleware field, and we offer differentservices of products development and innovative technology to meet customers'needs.
Silver Level Sponsors
Moko365 Inc.
Moko365 is the leading company of Taiwan's Android training & engineering field. Started in 2009 in Taipei, the company aims to provide training and software solutions. And have served more than 50 enterprise customers, including OPPO, LG Electronics Beijing, hTC and etc. Moko365 team has engineering capabilities of browser software, Android device driver optimization, and multi-core software. The company's training courses are in Taiwan, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzen. And have trained more than 5,000 engineers.
非常婚禮 「非常婚禮 veryWed.com」是國內知名的婚禮服務入口網站 / 結婚社群網站。 創業十餘年來,以開源技術幫助了無數海內外華人完成人生大事。 近年來積極參與各大開源社群活動,希望大家不要再把我們當成婚友社了 :)
GodGame Inc.
慧邦科技成立於2005年,以開發可愛風格的社群網站【Miniworld迷你窩】起家。在2008年以優異的多人flash遊戲開發技術推出【神來也】麻將、大老二、接龍等免下載、立刻玩的多人網頁遊戲,更首創台灣休閒遊戲介接facebook, yahoo, Windows Live, google等open ID的先例,在3年內迅速累積超過1500萬名遊戲用戶、使用者遍及台灣、香港、星馬、美加等地,成為facebook上第一大中文棋牌類網頁遊戲品牌。 慧邦科技於2011年第三季積極跨入行動裝置領域,推出神來也麻將、大老二、德州撲克、接龍、13支等iPhone, iPad, Android App,其中【神來也麻將】更在上架24小時內即登上iPad App Store台港澳不分類下載排行第一名; 在台灣、香港、日本、英國、加拿大、澳洲、阿根廷等16個國家Apple Store Card Game類獲選為「最熱門」App。神來也棋牌系列目前已有超過500萬次下載量,每天透過Web及行動裝置登入遊戲的不重覆玩家超過50萬人,是國內首屈一指的App開發及營運團隊。
Archilife Research Foundation
Since its establishment on December 30, 1978, the Archilife Research Foundation has offered scholarships to support students in master courses to complete their theses, and implemented different ways to integrate knowledge. After long years of its pioneering stage, Archilife commenced various long-term researches in the areas of architecture, environmental sustainability and development starting from 1987. During the process of researching human inhabitations and sustainable development, Archilife discovered that advancements of information technologies and cyberspace over the past decade had profound impacts on human lifestyles. The sharing and integration of related knowledge, and the education in these fields should be one of Archilife's essential objectives. Therefore, besides scholarships regarding architecture, environmental sustainability, ecology and health care, Archilife offered scholarships for the theses related to information society and culture from 2000 to 2008 as well. On the other hand, information technologies and the Internet brought new possibilities to how people can express their creativities and interact with each other. So, subsequent to recent adjustments of the scholarships and the funding projects, Archilife started with holding a series of sharing and exchanging meet-ups among the domestic independent game developers' community, conveying and communicating the knowledge and experiences learned from certain international game development conferences, in the hope that it would help this community to evolve. About other aspects of knowledge integration, Archilife developed different methods including: a knowledge bank system, index books, and knowledge keepers in various fields. These resources have served as powerful tools in filling in research gaps and refining research findings. Archilife currently holds periodic communions and bookish assemblies to strengthen the knowledge of its members so as to face a heterogeneous and changing future.
Etu is a pioneer of Big Data providing Big Data solutions primarily focused on helping customers discover, unlock, and utilize valuable information embedded in extremely large data sets through simple steps. At Etu, our mission is to develop the value of Big Data Application Solutions with our Appliances and to concentrate on business developments in Taipei and Beijing. Our Big Data business is dedicated to providing End-to-End solutions for customers to effectively overcome the challenges of large data sets by utilizing Hadoop-related technologies, intimately working with all Hadoop distribution, and creating constant integration with third party tool vendors. With our core competency in Big Data, professionalism, and expertise Etu is able to address specific business problems for customers from a diverse set of industries. For more information about Etu, please visit www.etusolution.com
Bronze Level Sponsors
act!on studio|space
有為工作室(action studio)主要的工作內容為推廣Floss+Art、數位藝術創作及獨立接案為主。 在推廣Floss+Art方面,藉由舉辦教學及主題工作坊分享創作工具,我們非常歡迎大家一起來享受創作的樂趣,同時以有為空間(action space)作為推廣Floss+Art的延伸,藉由作品的展出,達到相互學習成長的目的。
Asustek Computer Inc. ASUS takes its name from Pegasus, the winged horse in Greek mythology that symbolises wisdom and knowledge. ASUS embodies the strength, purity, and adventurous spirit of this fantastic creature, and soars to new heights with each new product it creates. The Taiwanese information technology industry has grown enormously over the last few decades and the country is now a dominant player in the global market. ASUS has long been at the forefront of this growth and although the company started life as a humble motherboard manufacturer with a handful of employees, it is now the leading technology company in Taiwan and employs over 11,000 people around the world. ASUS makes products in almost every conceivable category of information technology too, including PC components and peripherals, notebooks, tablets, servers and smartphones. Innovation is key to the success of ASUS. Having unveiled the PadFone to a rapturous audience at Computex 2011, this year ASUS chairman Jonney Shih raised the bar once more with the announcement of the TAICHI and Transformer Book dual-purpose mobile devices. The ASUS TAICHI is an Ultrabook with a double-sided display that allows it to be used as a tablet when the lid is closed, while the Transformer Book is a tablet that can be docked to a keyboard for instant transformation into an Ultrabook. Together with the Tablet 810 with Windows 8 and Tablet 600 with Windows RT, ASUS has an array of products that will surpass its users’ imaginations as the world enters a new era of cloud computing. This visionary approach is why ASUS is a major proponent in bringing quality innovation and design into its users’ lives. ASUS products won 3,886 international awards and accolades in 2011, and company revenue was over US$11.9 billion.