g0v Jothon

g0v Jothon

The g0v Jothon taskforce in the g0v community organizes a bi-monthly hackathon for about a hundred participants, providing a space, Wi-Fi, delicious food, and drinks for the day.
With a relaxed atmosphere, beginner-friendly guidance, and a safe environment for experimentation, the event lowers the threshold for participation and encourages open-source collaboration, mutual learning, and sharing. Participants can spontaneously propose various societal observations and issues, seeking like-minded partners for discussion and solution development with three-minute pitches. After hours of intensive discussion and cross-disciplinary collaboration, projects make efficient progress, culminating in five-minute presentations of results and an overview of needed manpower and skills at the event’s end. Besides the day’s collaboration, projects can continue their discussions and operations on g0v’s online community platforms (such as Slack, Facebook group, etc.), pooling wisdom from contributors across different professional fields. Event collaborative notes: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/2024-coscup

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SITCON, Google Developer Student Clubs Taiwan & Hong Kong (GDSC) and Open Education Community

SITCON, Google Developer Student Clubs Taiwan & Hong Kong (GDSC) and Open Education Community

Student Education Track (SED) is hosted by SITCON, GDSC TW/HK Leads and Open Education Community, creating a forum for student and education-related topics to be discussed and boosted, including open education, open source education, open source communities or Google techniques.

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Side Project Taiwan
Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan (OSLN.tw)

Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan (OSLN.tw)

Open Licenses are rules connecting participants from different fields. However, relevant disputes still rise due to the different standpoints. Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan (OSLN.tw) was hence set up to reduce disputes through providing a neutral, objective and semi-public network. Participants from both commercial and community sides can share information about licenses inside the network and discuss how to interpret FOSS licensing rules. We adapt Chatham House Rule to ensure participants can talk freely in the network without privacy concern.

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Sui Mover

Sui Mover

Sui Mover is a Chinese community dedicated to promoting the Sui ecosystem and the Sui Move programming language. It brings together Sui ecosystem enthusiasts, Sui Move developers, and individuals with a strong interest in blockchain.
We regularly hold meetings, workshops, and technical sharing sessions to allow members to exchange experiences, discuss the latest developments, and dive into learning the Sui Move programming language. Whether it’s the latest updates on Sui, smart contract development, or DeFi applications, we will provide rich information and guidance.
Whether you are an expert in Sui development or a curious beginner, the Sui Mover Chinese community welcomes your participation!

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the COSCUP Secretary Team.

the COSCUP Secretary Team.

The Healing Lectures is part of the COSCUP Healing Market series of activities, aiming to provide attendees with the opportunity to focus on softer topics while participating in COSCUP. The Healing Market offers physical relaxation activities such as massage stations, mindfulness meditation, and wine yoga. The Healing Lectures extends this concept, focusing specifically on trauma healing. This session is organized by the COSCUP Secretary Team.

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The Open Source Firmware Foundation

The Open Source Firmware Foundation

The Open Source Firmware track will be organized by members of the Open Source Firmware Foundation who have extensive experience organizing in-person and remote conferences like the Open Source Firmware Conference (OSFC) and European coreboot Conference. The Open-Source Firmware Foundation (OSFF) is a U.S. based non-profit mutual benefit with members organization with the overall goal to enhance communication between all parties involved in the open-source firmware space. The OSFF was founded in 2021 by a group of industry-leading companies in open-source firmware. The foundation sets its goals to research and to educate corporations and individuals alike about open-source firmware through sharing intellectual resources, infrastructure, services, events and training. The OSFF is meant to be an umbrella organization for all parties interested in open-source firmware and acts as the first point of contact in the open-source firmware ecosystem. OSFF website: https://osfw.foundation/ Contact person: Sheng sheng@osfw.foundation

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MySQL Sharing Studio

MySQL Sharing Studio

We welcome all MySQL users, developers, and anyone who cares about MySQL to come here and share your experiences, insights, and ideas about MySQL.

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The Apache Software Foundation

The Apache Software Foundation

about apache projects, open source, community and diversity

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Taipei Ethereum Meetup

Taipei Ethereum Meetup

Welcome to the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger track! Over these two days, we will delve into cutting-edge technology and innovative applications, uncovering how blockchain is reshaping the future!

We will discuss the scalability challenges of Bitcoin and explore possibilities for expanding its network. Dive into Farcaster, exploring captivating social applications on this platform, and don’t miss out on Devcon 2024.

Delve into the core technology of the Data Availability Sample (DAS) module, followed by an exploration of Ethereum Cancun’s upgrade from the perspective of smart contract developers. Also, discover how SuiGPT unveils the mysteries of smart contracts through an AI decompiler.

On day two, explore how blockchain drives the dual challenges of decentralizing AI and protecting privacy. Introduce Oracle Extractable Value (OEV), reveal the use of contract analysis tools in real-world upgradeable proxy vulnerabilities, and share effective methods to prevent Web3 phishing attacks.

Afternoon sessions blend technical insights with practical applications, including how generates R1CS through Keelung, the application of open-source tools in Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC), a deep dive into Threshold Signature Schemes, and real-world experiences in Fuzzing and Formal Verification.

These two days cover the depth and breadth of technology and provide an excellent opportunity to engage deeply with industry experts. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned developer, you will find rich learning and inspiration here. Join us as we explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology!

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Taiwan PostgreSQL User Community

Taiwan PostgreSQL User Community

Taiwan PostgreSQL User Community

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WordPress is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL, released under the GPLv2 license. It’s the platform of choice for over 43% of websites worldwide. WordPress was created in 2003 by Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg as a fork of b2/cafelog. Over time, the WordPress open-source project has evolved progressively, supported by skilled and passionate developers, designers, scientists, bloggers, and others.

WordPress offers anyone the opportunity to build and share. It’s accessible “out of the box” even for those with limited technical experience, while more tech-savvy users can customize it in remarkable ways.

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OpenStreetMap and Wikidata Open Content Track

OpenStreetMap and Wikidata Open Content Track

Both OpenStreetMap and and Wikidatan are two open content projects, the former one is geodatabase, the latter one is open knowledge database. OpenStreetMap is an other map service beside commercial provide like Google Maps, using open license to distribute its map data. And Wikidata is one of the youngest project of Wikimedia, described as the database of database. OpenStreetMap Taiwan and Wikidata Taiwan will collaborate of open content track together, displaying communities achievement.

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sciwork is a community for researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work. We believe in the power of openness, and use open source as a means to advance software development for computational sciences.

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Ruby Taiwan

Ruby Taiwan

Ruby Taiwan was established in 2008, primarily focusing on Ruby programming language and software development, to facilitate industry exchange and sharing, thereby enhancing the technical depth and breadth of developers.

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Taiwan JVM team

Taiwan JVM team

Taiwan JVM team is a task-oriented group to advocate JVM related technology. By connected all JVM-related communities, including TWJUG,Taiwan Kotlin User Group, Scala Taiwan, Android Taipei/Android Study Jam, Kotlin Taipei, Clojure Taiwan, GDG, Taiwan Backend Group, our goal is to provide a rich and diverse agenda in COSCUP 2024.

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Medical Image Standards Association of Taiwan (MISAT)

Medical Image Standards Association of Taiwan (MISAT)

The Medical Image Standards Association of Taiwan (MISAT) is dedicated to the research and development of open standards for the storage, exchange, and transmission of medical images and electronic health records. As the national chapter of the DICOM medical imaging standard in Taiwan, the association initially focused on the field of medical imaging standards but has in recent years transformed to actively embrace the promotion of open standards and open-source medical information projects. In recent years, the association has actively assisted the industrial sector, government departments, schools, and medical institutions in adopting DICOM and FHIR open standards. At the same time, the association has also integrated the strength of local experts and scholars to develop medical data exchange standards suitable for Taiwan’s unique healthcare scenarios, promoting the integration of medical data exchange across institutions. To promote the application of open-source medical information, the association actively pushes a series of open-source projects and solutions, integrating the spirit of open source into the operations of the medical industry and government departments. The goal is to enhance the interoperability and integration of medical information, creating a more complete medical information industry environment.

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WasmEdge Community

WasmEdge Community

WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime. As an official sandbox project hosted by CNCF, it is licensed under Apache License 2.0 and was initiated in 2019. Boasting a large and healthy community, WasmEdge has over 165 contributors from 38 countries and regions worldwide. The community leverages WasmEdge for serverless apps, embedded functions like UDF and data flow functions, microservices, smart contracts, and IoT devices. This provides a lightweight (only a few megabytes), fast (starts in milliseconds), and secure runtime/container for running untrusted code.

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Hacking Thursday x TOSSUG

Hacking Thursday x TOSSUG

Hacking Thursday (H4) and TOSSUG (Taipei Open Source Software User Group) are two communities that hold regular weekly meetups in Taipei.
This time, at our booth in COSCUP, we aim to connect with both familiar faces and new friends, strengthening our community bonds.

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Mozilla Taiwan Community / MozTW Space

Mozilla Taiwan Community / MozTW Space

MozTW (Mozilla Taiwan Community) is a group of Mozilla fans in Taiwan who work on localizing products, promoting Mozilla, maintaining moztw.org, and operating a physical community/hackerspace “MozTW Space” (https://moztw.space) in Taipei.

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Wikimedia Taiwan

Wikimedia Taiwan

Wikimedia Taiwan is a chapter of Wikimedia Foundation which respond to promote Wikimedia movement in Taiwan. We focus on increase the quality and quantity of content in Wikimedia projects, and diverse the editors of Wikimedia.

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LibreOffice Asia Conference

LibreOffice Asia Conference

The Document Foundation has organized the LibreOffice Conference annually since 2011. Except for online conferences held during the pandemic in 2020-2021, the events have always taken place in Europe. Therefore, the Asian community attempted to hold the LibreOffice Conference Indonesia in 2018, which was a huge success. Subsequently, the Asian and Latin American communities held the LibreOffice Asia and LibreOffice LATAM Conference respectively in 2019. The LibreOffice Asia Conference was paused due to the pandemic from 2020 and resumed in Indonesia in 2023.

Unlike the LibreOffice Conference in Europe, which focuses heavily on development agendas, the content of the LibreOffice conferences in Asia and Latin America emphasizes community building and promotion. For example, the LibreOffice LATAM Conference held in Mexico City in 2023 invited Franklin Weng, the president of the Software Liberty Association Taiwan, to share Taiwan’s promotion experiences and to exchange insights with the team promoting ODF/LibreOffice within the Mexican government.

This year’s LibreOffice Asia Conference will be divided into two main topics:

  • The first day, Aug. 2, is “Government Day,” focusing on “Government Promotion and Implementation,” discussing theories, practices, and experience exchanges on implementing ODF and PMPC policies within government units.
  • The second day is “Community Day,” centered on community sharing agendas. Co-organized with this year’s COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users, and Promoters), the agenda includes certified trainers from The Document Foundation in Taiwan sharing their teaching experiences and engaging in community management exchanges with international participants.
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KAIYUANSHE is a non-profit, vendor-neutral, open-source community formed in 2014. It comprises individual volunteers who contribute towards the cause of open source. The community envisions being “rooted in China, contributing globally, and promoting open-source as a way of life in the new era.” Its mission is to achieve “open-source governance, global connection, community development, and project incubation.” Its community governance principles are to practice “Contribution, Consensus, and Collegiality.” The community’s goal is to create a healthy and sustainable open-source ecosystem.

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OpenInfra Community

OpenInfra Community

OpenCocon is smaller-footprint GNU/Linux distribution optimized for Thin-client purpose. It is useful to re-use old computer, because response speed is faster than standalone use.

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The O-RAN/B5G/6G research community

The O-RAN/B5G/6G research community

The O-RAN/B5G/6G research community aims to discuss technologies related to RAN, B5G/6G, 3GPP/ETSI and related topics including virtualization, cloud native, AI, security, and internet governance. The goal is to promote open network technology exchange among domestic industry, government, and academia.

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COSCUP Main Track

COSCUP Main Track

COSCUP Main Track

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Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Grant

Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Grant

The goal of the Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Practice Project is to promote Gen AI projects that are highly transparent, reusable, and have a long-term impact. Given the rapid evolution of AI models, this project emphasizes investing resources in compiling and collecting high-quality open datasets, enabling the outcomes to contribute to the construction of both current and future Traditional Chinese models. The project focuses on building Traditional Chinese text data for language model training, benchmarking evaluations from a Taiwanese perspective, and encourages teams related to Taiwanese, Hakka, and Indigenous languages to get involved. This session will invite various teams collaborating on this project to share their open-source results and experiences, facilitating discussions and exchanges with participants interested in open-source language models.

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Ubuntu Taiwan

Ubuntu Taiwan

Ubuntu-TW was established in June 2005 by several enthusiasts with the goal of promoting Ubuntu in Taiwan. In addition to hosting annual Release Parties and setting up booths at various open-source seminars in Taiwan, our members are also frequently active in major open-source communities. The Release Parties we organize always attract participation from enthusiasts of other Linux distributions. Apart from community activities, our members are involved in localization (L10N) for Ubuntu and other distributions, editing documents, and providing online assistance. Novices, experts, and anyone interested are welcome to join Ubuntu-TW to promote Ubuntu, Linux, and open-source culture together!

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Kubernetes Community Day Taipei

Kubernetes Community Day Taipei

Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) is an official community event supported and certified by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The conference brings together users and technical professionals from the open source and cloud native community for education, collaboration, and sharing.

Kubernetes Community Days Taipei (KCD Taipei) is a local KCD community event organized by the Cloud Native Taiwan User Group (CNTUG). Its purpose is to use the power of the local community to encourage more people to participate in the Kubernetes community for mutual exchange and learning, and to sustain and develop the community.

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Open Source Hong Kong

Open Source Hong Kong

Founded in 2006, Open Source Hong Kong is a technology organization and community composed of open-source contributors and users, aimed at promoting the development of the open-source community.

Since establishing the Hong Kong Open Source Conference in 2013 and PyCon HK in 2015, the organization has continued to support these events, holding annual meetups, workshops, and participating in overseas open-source activities to enhance international exchange. Following the debut of the mascot Soosu at COSCUP last year, this year will also introduce new merchandise to promote Hong Kong’s unique open-source spirit in an even more adorable and approachable way.

Official website: https://opensource.hk

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Shin Leh Yuan Art Space

Shin Leh Yuan Art Space

Shin Leh Yuan Art Space began its planning in 1994 and officially started operating in 1995. Since then, it has been committed to artistic experimentation and contemporaneity, aiming to break through spatial limitations and expand the exchange within the artistic community. It strives towards a diverse approach that transcends disciplines and geographical boundaries, with the goal of developing various facets of contemporary art and culture in Taiwan.

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Hello everyone, we are HKCOTA from Hong Kong! This year marks our second year since the outbreak of the pandemic. With the aim of sharing insights and interesting stories about ““HKCOTA x Hong Kong Open Source Annual Conference(HKOSCon)””, we hope to raise awareness of Hong Kong’s open-source community! We hope to utilize the COSCUP platform to share more about what’s happening in the Hong Kong open-source community and to connect with attendees. At our booth in COSCUP, we will introduce upcoming open-source events, culture, projects, and other related information in Hong Kong! This is our open-source community, and we look forward to meeting you at COSCUP!

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COODFA, Community Of Open Data For Agriculture

COODFA, Community Of Open Data For Agriculture

COODFA, Community Of Open Data For Agriculture, is a non-governmental organization of open-source data for Taiwan’s farmers. The aim of COODFA is not only to promote open data ecosystems but also to encourage smallholders to embrace digital tools to manage farming practices. COODFA has been holding the agricultural track at COSCUP conference with OCF Taiwan since 2020, and we try to build a better environment for digital transformation in the agricultural industry.

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Let's Read the Source Code Production Committee

Let's Read the Source Code Production Committee

Let’s Read the Source Code Production Committee By reading source code, we aim to inspire more people to engage in software development, planting the seeds for nurturing future programmers.

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Open Source Design community

Open Source Design community

We are a community of open-source creators like designers, developers, artists, and more who are interested in contributing to Open Source Design, such as improving flow processes, user experience, and more.

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We OSPN (Open Source People Network) are the community running ‘Open Source Conference’ in Japan;
The conference happens everywhere in Japan -Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, Sapporo, etc.- and is deeply nailed to the open-source culture in these local cities.
We will introduce open-source cultures in Japan and would love to collaborate more with you for COSCUP-OSPN exchange tracks in Taiwan and Japan!

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GDG Taipei (Google Developer Group Taipei)

GDG Taipei (Google Developer Group Taipei)

GDG Taipei (Google Developer Group Taipei) is a developer community that focuses on researching Google-related technologies. Participants provide several Lightening Talks and occasionally invite speakers to share specific topics and hold Hackthon or Workshop activities. For detailed events, please refer to: https://gdg.tw https://gdg.community.dev/gdg-taipei

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Hsinchu Code Serf and Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers

Hsinchu Code Serf and Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers

This track would be hosted by experienced members of the Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers and Hsinchu Coding Serfs (新竹碼農) communities who have been hosting this track since COSUP 2017.

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The Open Culture Foundation (OCF)

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF)

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is going to celebrate our 10th anniversary this year! OCF is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, founded in 2014 by several open tech communities in Taiwan. Our main goal is to promote open technology through supporting local communities’ related work and bridging the idea with governments, enterprises, NGOs and international open source societies. “Open technology” includes three dimensions: (1) open source software & hardware that can freely used, developed and redistributed by anyone; (2) open data that can similarly be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone; and (3) open government that promotes transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance. Learn more about OCF: ocf.tw/en/ or find us on twitter.com/ocftaiwan

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The COSCUP program team has always managed this track.

The COSCUP program team has always managed this track.

The COSCUP program team has always managed this track.

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PyCon Taiwan 社群聚

PyCon Taiwan 社群聚

PyCon, also known as the Python Conference, is an annual event that serves as the global gathering for the Python community. The 13th PyCon TW will be held at NSTM in Taiwan this September. We aim to bring together individuals from various fields in Taiwan who apply Python, exchanging experiences and insights, sharing the latest technological developments, and experiencing the unique passion of the community.

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Automotive Grade Linux

Automotive Grade Linux

Automotive Grade Linux is a collaborative open-source project that brings together automakers, suppliers, and technology companies to accelerate the development and adoption of a fully open software stack for In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI), Instrument Clusters, Software-Defined Vehicles, and more. With Linux at its core, we integrate and invest in cutting-edge technologies that drive innovation and deliver added value to the automotive industry.

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Agile Community Taiwan

Agile Community Taiwan

Agile Community Taiwan
Agile Community Taiwan is initiated by a group of Agile volunteers and industry pioneers. It is a legally registered association dedicated to providing and promoting Agile values, mindset, and practice concepts. By advocating for an Agile culture approach, it aims to drive transformation and enhance the lives, learning, communities, industries, and economy in Taiwan. https://www.act.club.tw

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