
Android 開源專案


隨著開源技術的發展與成熟,以及開源社群的活躍,培養出越來越多的本地開源技術人才,加上全球最大規模開源平台 GitHub 的興起,讓更多元化的參與者透過分享、討論、貢獻的過程,使能夠永續共享或創新創造的開源專案得以實現。這股新興開源的能量,儼然已成為各種技術創新的發展策略。台灣雲端物聯網產業協會長期協助推動 Taiwan Open Stack User Group 及 OCP Taiwan 等社群與臺灣產業之互動連結,藉由此次台灣開放原始碼社群聯合推動的 COSCUP 年度研討會,我們將組織邀請在國內成立之新興熱門開源專案代表,分享其專案領域的最新技術進展,進而連結社群開發能量,展現台灣開源創新的堅強實力。 OpenStack: Android_x86:

Arch Linux Taiwan & Archers


Arch Linux Taiwan & Archers

Arch Linux 是一套獨立開發、針對 x86-64 架構最佳化的通用 GNU/Linux 發行版本。Arch Linux 盡可能地符合原本的「類 UNIX」系統:輕量、彈性與簡潔,並嚴格遵守 Arch 設計哲學。有了 Arch 的設計哲學與實作,無論是擴充、打造任何類型的系統都變得更容易。使用者可以決定自己的 Arch 系統要變成什麼樣子:從小而簡的終端機器,到大且功能豐富的桌面環境。

Arch 臺灣社群 ( 秉持著精簡至上的哲學,提供自由、開放的環境,希望能夠集結各地的 Archers 一同分享經驗、見解和作品。誠摯邀請您加入我們的 Gitter ( ) 與 Telegram ( ) !




台北以太坊社群 Taipei Ethereum Meetup

我們專注在 Ethereum 技術理論、實作、與應用的討論社群,目前每月由社群參加者自願分享。Ethereum 是具有智能合約功能的區塊鏈平台。


Blockchain is a hot topic right now, but to often the focus is on ICOs and token trading. In this track we want to showcase uses of Blockchain that go beyond tokens and solve real world problems.
We use Ethereum and blockchain technologies to build decentralized applications and change the world.




COSCUP is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants since 2006. It's a major force of Free software movement advocacy in Taiwan. The event is often held with talks, sponsor and communities booths, and Birds of a feather. In addition to international speakers, many Taiwanese local Open Source contributors often give their talks here.

The chief organizer, staffs, and speakers are all volunteers.

Data Science Playground


Data Science Playground

Combine three communities, Taiwan R-User Group, R-Ladies Taipei and Azure Taiwan Community. Let's have fun in this day with real data experience, hacking and connecting with each other.

Drupal 的一生、網站的醫生


分享從 Drupal 規劃到架構網站,如何化繁為簡,用完善的框架來進行超高客製,輕鬆搞定世界級的網站架構。在遇到無法透過現有模組滿足需求的時候,如何像個醫生找出問題,對症下藥。

FOSS Compliance - Complex Made Simple


FOSS Compliance - Complex Made Simple

Many organization and companies make use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) without following the license terms. In many cases, these orgnization and companies just don't know how to do it in practice. Therefore, in this track the related concerns and issues will be discussed, and the pratical steps and examples will be provided. This track will introduce the practical steps and core components how to comply with FOSS licenses.

GNOME.Asia Summit


GNOME.Asia Summit

GNOME.Asia Summit is the featured annual GNOME Conference in Asia. The event focuses primarily on the GNOME desktop, but also covers applications and the development platform tools. It brings together the GNOME community in Asia to provide a forum for users, developers, foundation leaders, governments and businesses to discuss the present technology and future developments.GNOME.Asia Summits have been held in Beijing, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Taipei, Bangalore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Beijing, Depok, New Delhi, Chongqing respectively over the last ten years.

Internet Governance and Digital Privacy


Internet Governance and Digital Privacy

Free and Open Source Movement is the base of free society, in this fake news and privacy big data’s year, FOSS community can’t bypass the trend of strengthening Democracy and protect digital Human Rights. We will focus on these topics around Digital Human Right, that may affecting, helping or blocking the FLOSS movements -

Julia Language


Julia Language

一切關於 Julia 語言的大小事,本次可能穿插 workshop 及 talk。

Kernel & Coding Serfs & System


Kernel & Coding Serfs & System

本議程由 Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers、新竹碼農聚會、Cat System Workshop 三個社群聯合徵稿,內容包含系統、優化、與其他碼農相關討論

Let's Read the Source Code



COSCUP is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants since 2006. It's a major force of Free software movement advocacy in Taiwan. The event is often held with talks, sponsor and communities booths, and Birds of a feather. In addition to international speakers, many Taiwanese local Open Source contributors often give their talks here.

The chief organizer, staffs, and speakers are all volunteers.

Make Technology Policies Open




白話文: 在政策搞到我們之前,我們有沒有機會提早把聲音送進政府,讓政策制定跟得上時代。




COSCUP is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants since 2006. It's a major force of Free software movement advocacy in Taiwan. The event is often held with talks, sponsor and communities booths, and Birds of a feather. In addition to international speakers, many Taiwanese local Open Source contributors often give their talks here.

The chief organizer, staffs, and speakers are all volunteers.

Open GIS


Open Source Database


Open Source Database

This community room is going to invite speakers from open source databases (both RDBMS - refer and NoSQL databases - refer researchers/developers/contributors/communities/users, to share their newly developed products/use cases/best practices and insight to the industry trend. We hope some topics could be delivered by organizations that running systems on open source databases and created huge success thus the track and benefits the users and developer in Taiwan.

Open Source Farm Innovation


Open Source Farm Innovation


Open Source Software Development & Management


Open Source Software Development & Management

Hacking Thursday (H4) is an open-source community in Taiwan. We meet up for peer learning in engineering for hackers every Thursday night.

In this room, we offer attendees dense exchange experiences to align OPEN, SHARE and FOSS values that we believe.

openSUSE.Asia Summit


openSUSE.Asia Summit

openSUSE.Asia Summit is one of the great events for openSUSE community (i.e., both contributors, and users) in Asia. Those who usually communicate online can get together from all over the world, talk face to face, and have fun. Members of the community will share their most recent knowledge, experiences, and learn FLOSS technologies surrounding openSUSE.

This event at Taipei is the fifth in openSUSE.Asia Summit. Following the first Asia Summit in Beijing 2014. The past Asia Summits have had participants from China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and etc.



SDN x Cloud Native


SDN x Cloud Native

由於雲端架構發展趨勢下,網路與雲端應用開發越來越複雜,傳統依賴廠商的解決方案也隨著複雜度的增長,而付出更多開銷,且又受限於廠商軟硬體的綁定,造成未來擴展的彈性問題,因此現今許多網路與雲端架構慢慢傾向以開放式原始碼專案 (Open Source) 來建立自家網路與雲端架構,本議程 SDN x Cloud Native 將邀請多位該領域技術專家來分享如何結合 SDN 與 Cloud Native 來建構虛擬化網路、雲端基礎架構與雲端原生應用開發等。

Workshop for Family



COSCUP is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants since 2006. It's a major force of Free software movement advocacy in Taiwan. The event is often held with talks, sponsor and communities booths, and Birds of a feather. In addition to international speakers, many Taiwanese local Open Source contributors often give their talks here.

The chief organizer, staffs, and speakers are all volunteers.

Titanium Sponsor

Co-Host Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor



Special Thanks