Introduce how I build a weather bot, which is a cross platform chat bot that can answer any question about weather. The lecture will cover chat bot platform introduction, chat bot framework, chat bot design, weather data processing, system architecture, etc.
Let's build a weather bot
Open Source Farm Innovation
08/11 11:10 - 11:40
漢語 / Mandarin Chinese
Beginner / 入門
Chat bot developer, junior engineer
軟體工程師。以 @tigercosmos 活躍於網路世界。喜歡分享程式開發知識,著有多篇技術文,並經營有「微中子」科技分享臉書粉專。喜歡開源,參加多項開源專案,並熱衷貢獻。目前著重研究與開發網路瀏覽器。喜歡分享軟體開發經驗與教人寫程式。