一切關於 Julia 語言的大小事,本次可能穿插 workshop 及 talk。
Julia Language
Julia Language
Flux! the beautiful Julia ML framework
08/11 13:00 - 13:50
漢語 / Mandarin Chinese
Skilled / 中階
deep learning enthusiasts
"Flux is an elegant approach to machine learning. It's a 100% pure-Julia stack, and provides lightweight abstractions on top of Julia's native GPU and AD support. Flux makes the easy things easy while remaining fully hackable." We will show a beautiful approach of building a deep learning model using Flux and how powerful a dynamic framework could be.
Foreign Function Call in Julia
林峻頤 (Iblis Lin)
08/11 11:10 - 12:00
漢語 / Mandarin Chinese
Skilled / 中階
Julia package developer
介紹 Julia 在與其他語言進行 foreign function call 的相關議題。Julia 的 stdlib 在對 C 以及 Fortran 的 function call,有相當方便的整合了。而對其他語言如,Python、R、Matlab 也有第三方套件來協助。將會在這個 talk 介紹這些 ecosystem。
Introduction to Cassete.jl
08/11 15:10 - 16:00
漢語 / Mandarin Chinese
Advanced / 進階
Julia Package developer
"Cassette is a Julia package that provides a mechanism for dynamically injecting code transformation passes into Julia’s just-in-time (JIT) compilation cycle, enabling post hoc analysis, optimization, and modification of"Cassette-unaware"Julia programs." We will show some simple usage of Cassette.jl and how it work conceptually.
Introduction to Julia
08/11 10:00 - 10:50
漢語 / Mandarin Chinese
Beginner / 入門
General data science, machine learning, scientific computing developers
Julia 是個新興的數值計算程式語言,他擁有 C 語言一般的執行速度,也有 Python 動態語言般的簡潔語法,這使得他成為科學運算以及資料分析領域再適合不過的工具。我會介紹 Julia 的基本語法及概念,並且舉例它的使用場景,歡迎大家來認識這個新傢伙。
Meta Programming in Julia
林峻頤 (Iblis Lin)
08/11 14:05 - 14:55
漢語 / Mandarin Chinese
Skilled / 中階
Julia Package Developer
Julia 擁有 AST level 的 meta programming 能力,本次會介紹 Julia 的 meta programming 常見的 use cases, pattern and hacks。希望能夠對 Julia 的套件開發者,不管是在提供 DSL、API design 或是接界 native extension 有所幫助。