COSCUP 是由台灣開放原始碼社群聯合推動的年度研討會,起源於 2006 年,是台灣自由軟體運動 (FOSSM) 重要的推動者之一。活動包括有講座、攤位、社團同樂會等,除了邀請國際的重量級演講者之外,台灣本土的自由軟體推動者也經常在此發表演說,會議的發起人、工作人員與講者都是志願參與的志工。
COSCUP 的宗旨在於提供一個聯結開放原始碼開發者、使用者與推廣者的平台。希望藉由每年一度的研討會,來推動自由及開放原始碼軟體 (FLOSS)。
COSCUP 是由台灣開放原始碼社群聯合推動的年度研討會,起源於 2006 年,是台灣自由軟體運動 (FOSSM) 重要的推動者之一。活動包括有講座、攤位、社團同樂會等,除了邀請國際的重量級演講者之外,台灣本土的自由軟體推動者也經常在此發表演說,會議的發起人、工作人員與講者都是志願參與的志工。
COSCUP 的宗旨在於提供一個聯結開放原始碼開發者、使用者與推廣者的平台。希望藉由每年一度的研討會,來推動自由及開放原始碼軟體 (FLOSS)。
區塊鏈技術圈一直對市場出現的各種公鏈性能、產品化以及商業型態所激烈討論,利用「他山之石」可否解決當下之痛,多數人也不得而知。無論是公有鏈、私有鏈還是聯盟鏈,其商業價值必須與產業問題所緊密結合,但區塊鏈又好像校園中的象牙塔,對大部分研發人員來說不知如何上手。BitRabbit Exchange 研究院總結交易所技術核心,以公有鏈開發框架 BaseChain 為基礎,與大家分享公鏈開發的奧秘。【Live:現場 200 行 code 寫公有鏈】
Venue information:
小鴨城 (Duckietown),來自於 MIT 的課程,目前在交通大學(NCTU) 有課程分支。這是一個開源的電腦視覺自走車學習專案,車上唯一的感測器就是相機。
從這專案中我們可以學習到感測器校正、計算機視覺、物體辨識和分散式協調等。並實際搭建 Duckiebot 平台、建立機器人體系(ROS),使用 Python + OpenCV 用電腦視覺實現單系統機器人車道跟隨(lane following)。使用的硬體包括 Raspberry Pi、雙層三輪小車、馬達控制板和最重要的魚眼相機等。
我從 2014 開始加入 GitHub 後,當時還不知道要在上面做什麼,或許跟很多人一樣,上面就放著自己的 side project 而已。活動量是很少量的,直到某一天,在改善了某個國外 PHP 開發者的 PHP 函式庫 bug 後,就開啟我對開源貢獻的興趣。
那在這開源貢獻路上,自己一個人走得很辛苦,舉步維艱,不過憑藉著自身對於寫 code 的熱情,還是在這條道路上一直堅持著。
本議程,是想要分享一開源貢獻一路走來的心得,以及讓對於開源貢獻有興趣的人但是不知道如何入門給他一個指引的明燈,以及介紹開源貢獻的方法有哪一些,如何做讓 GitHub 上面的開源專案變得更好。
黑客精神真的能改造社會嗎?五年前,我在 coscup 演講「Hack Everything, Including Society」。這五年間,我嘗試用黑客精神的方式,參與社會運動,嘗試倡議與改造社會。五年來,我累積了不少心得,希望可以分享給大家。
Apache Ignite 以內存為中心的分布式數據庫, 提供完整 T-SQL 語法查詢, 容錯與負載平衡, 易於擴展與部屬; 同時介紹在這樣的平台背後, 如何做到由” 數據” 驅動的報表即時分析.
In terms of IoT, the bigger issue is volume and whether the financial system is going to be ready to accept this as devices start to charge for services at a micro-level. With IOTA, you can ensure the fulfilment of the smallest tasks in the unified network; turning off the tap in the bathroom, sticking on a tag, or at least blowing away a speck of dust. This session will cover the considerations of adopting IoT and crytocurrencies along with feasible approaches to accelerate the whole transactions, which shape the machine economy by building a portfolio of companies that literally meet the needs of machines.
分享 KKBOX 搜尋音樂所經歷的大小事,以及如何建立完善的監控機制,進而提升系統整體穩定度。
KKBOX 創立至今十餘年,為亞太地區知名音樂串流平台,而搜尋為其不可或缺的一項功能,不管是搜尋音樂、歌單、專輯、藝人等,都為用戶經常所使用。本議程說明 KKBOX 從早期的 Solor 轉換到 Elasticsearch 的過程,並藉助 Grafana 搭建出視覺化監控平台,有效追蹤與解決系統問題。
Join the famous COSCUP Lightning Talk, show your project / idea / experience In 3-5 minutes! Please register your topic at the information desk (1F) before 15:30, we will pick the final list and update the website at 16:00。
在 COSCUP 地位幾乎等同於新八眼鏡的閃電秀 -- Lightning Talk,現場報名、當天抽籤、限時演講!兼具知識性與娛樂性的重頭大戲,千萬別錯過了~
每場次 3-5 分鐘,請有興趣參與演講的人於 10:00-15:30 間至一樓服務台提供稱呼、題目、聯絡方式等資料報名。16:00 前將進行抽籤並於此公布最後入選名單
从六个方面分享 20 年来的 Linux 内核之旅:初次踏入 Linux,Linux 不仅仅是开源,翻译之路,Linux 内核书籍点评,从机制与策略探究 Linux 内核设计之道,迷时师度 悟了自度。
In this group, we invite individuals with an interest in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology to investigate and collaborate on projects using the IOTA Tangle platform (think blockchain 3.0 minus block and chain).
All are welcome to this group, we are about collaboration and exploration.
If you'd like more information about the IOTA Tangle platform please see the links below, (there are some clear video explanations).
Why we think the IOTA Tangle has the potential to be bigger than Blockchain
我研究了這個開源的 OTA 方案,想要來跟大家分享研究得到的心得
安全性是所有資訊系統最重要的性能指標, 在這個網路攻擊氾濫的世界裡, 沒有安全防衛的系統將毫無生存的餘地. 而資料庫又是大多數應用系統的核心, 它能運作得好能帶您上天堂, 資料保護得不好將讓您下地獄. 這場演講將為您揭露許多 MySQL 不太為人所知的安全機制, 它會澈底扭轉大部份人心中對 MySQL 安控機制不够完整的印象. 同時還會分享如何設定及使用這些安控功能, 而這些安控功能又如會防制不同種類的網路攻擊.
主持:Mosky Liu
In previous COSCUPs, I gave talks on introductions to fuzzing. In this session, I will give a demonstration on how to set up the open source funfuzz framework to test the SpiderMonkey engine on the Gecko platform, used in Firefox browsers.
(If you are going to attend this session, please fill the form:
前端世界還遠未統一,各種 PC 端和移動端瀏覽器的各種不兼容折磨著前端開發人員,調試非本地的項目,特別是移動端項目成為一個大難題。本議程將剖析調試遠程頁面和應用的方方面面——查看修改頁面樣式、收集控制台日志、發送並執行 JS 代碼、監控所有網絡請求、嗅探遠程設備的特征及功能、監控頁面性能指標等等。本議程希望給苦於各類手機瀏覽器不兼容導致調試困難的開發人員一些思路和啟迪。其中包含:1. 現狀分析及比特兔的實踐;2. 關鍵點實現展示;3. 對未來的暢想。
When we see “internet of things”, let’s make it an internet of beings.
When we see “virtual reality”, let’s make it a shared reality.
When we see “machine learning”, let’s make it collaborative learning.
When we see “user experience”, let’s make it about human experience.
When we hear “the singularity is near”, let us remember: the Plurality is here.
Nowadays, the screen readers are used for the blind people to read the text on the screen. The speech speed of the screen reader is usually incredibly fast, and it reads almost everything on the screen. Also, the generated speech is not so friendly for the users.
However, it's important for people to quickly get the meaningful summary of the current source code navigation, even for people with average eye-sight.
This talk introduces you the design of the navigation assistant, and the technical implementation details of the tool.
The assistant is implemented in Go, and its language parser is used to generate a short comprehensive summary, and the text will be converted to voice speech to improve your source code navigation experience.
Requesting a account requires you to have a GPG key signed by 3 or more current account holders. This talk goes through how I got my account, and how I helped others through the process.
Current blockchain technology suffers from transaction latency, high transaction cost and centralized limitations. The new generation blockchain technology uses parallel blockchain systems that work together to form an infinitely scalable, low-latency decentralized transaction processing engine. This will resolve the existing pain points today and upgrade blockchain technology to the next level with mass adoption to all.
Your internet presence starts with a domain name! You can use it for e-mail (SMTP, IMAP, POP3), your website with HTTP(s), your applications (VoIP, XMPP, RTSP, FTP ...). This talk with give a high level overview what you should know about your domain name and why its among your most important digital assets. We will also look into how to protect it properly and use it with a team of developers.
GNOME is turning 21 this year. During this time, GNOME has grown to become one of the leading Free desktops in the world and has incubated many other core Free Software technologies used by outside projects. Our mission is to make software that is accessible to all, and we need your help to do it. Come learn more about what makes GNOME special, some of the plans we have for the upcoming year, and how you can become part of the GNOME story.