空氣盒子的發展,展現了公民科技力量在空氣品質監測的成效,然而,除了空氣品質的問題,水環境也是長久以來的問題之一,例如:水資源時空分佈不均,造成乾旱和淹水;河川水質出問題,造成魚類大量死亡,究竟空氣盒子的經驗是否可以應用到水環境監測呢? 本場次即想藉由邀集對於水環境監測和水盒子開發有經驗的專家一起來討論公民科技的力量是否有機會用來解決水環境問題。
About Singing

Singing 是開放文化基金會執行長,曾經擔任 COSCUP 2019、2020 的總召,是 COSCUP 長期志工。從認識 Firefox 開源軟體與網路自由的理念,2009 年開始參與 COSCUP 與 MozTW 社群,嘗試以非資訊人的角度認識開放源碼、資訊安全、社群經營。
About 鄧東波

Dongpo is a specialist of geospatial information and semantic web technologies, also an advocator of open data and open sources. He has been active in the OpenStreetMap and Open Source Geospatial (OSGeo) community for many years. Also, he served as members of advisory committees for open government data in several public sectors, such as the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Council of Agriculture, and so on.
About 劉紹淵
學歷:國立臺灣大學生物機電工程學系 博士生
About 哈爸

許武龍 (哈爸) LASS 創辦人, 2021 總統盃黑客松卓越團隊
wuulong@gmail.com, FB: wuulong.hsu
擁抱開放,迎向未來! 希望集結台灣PRO Maker社群力量,共
曾任為晶片設計公司產品線處長,系統架構師,熱愛 Linux,熟
力。曾參與國際 HomeGrid Forum G.hn 認證標準 的制定,主
持多次國際互通測試,擔任 Computex 國際論壇講者,
Linux/Java 認證講師。現為LASS開源環境感測網路創辦人、
HCOS-開放在宅照護系統 Home Care Open System 創辦人, FBTUG-FarmBot Taiwan User
Group 發起人,擔任幾個社群管理者,企業顧問與公部門委員。
About richard

Dr. Richard Huang, the founder of AnaSystem, Inc, moved to the UK in 2019 and was reassigned as CTO. Richard is devoted to the development of IoT systems including cloud computing, LPWAN, smart sensor and AI-based data analysis. In the project, richard gives field tests and technology evaluations.
AnaSystem was founded in 2002 in Hsinchu Science Park. AnaSystem has invested in IoT core technology development for over 15 years. The results have been widely applied to smart cities, irrigation, traffic, weather, disaster control and the environment applications in Asia.