2021 年 5 月隨著台灣疫情升溫、紙本實聯制出現個資窺視疑慮,g0v 社群自發討論出了「簡訊實聯制」系統設計而由政府採納,成為了「公私協力」、「數位防疫」的金招牌之一。然而實際上簡訊實聯制對疫調的貢獻有多少?執行伴隨的法規爭議與課責性問題又有哪些?在本議程中,我們將檢視簡訊實聯制的統計資料,並盤點實行過程中的各項議題。
About RSChiang

RSChiang (Poren Chiang) is a digital law researcher and a software developer based in Taiwan.
His research agenda focuses on digital government and electronic voting. He also writes on a wide range of topics including data surveillance, FLOSS licenses, social media regulations, freedom of speech, and other constitutional law topics in the digital world.
You can find him at poren.tw.
About shunlingchen