IB302 10:00 ~ 10:25 MandarinThere are many anime GIF/screenshots with unknown source on the internet. To solve problems like “What anime is this?” or “I’ve seen it but I’ve forgot which episode”, I’ve created an search engine for tracing sources of anime screenshots, and it’s derived Telegram Bot. From a screenshot, it can tell which anime, which episode, which minute, which second it appears. (Demo https://youtu.be/5C9nD5dtRrY) This can help users to discover anime they haven’t seen but may be interested. Or, help those who have watched the anime to find and revisit that moment.
The talk would introduce some computer graphics concepts and implementation methods, including LIRE, how does it work and how to optimize performance, how to use OpenCV to get rid of black borders, and how I use home-made method to detect a shot from an animation clip.
Collaborative note: https://hackmd.io/@coscup/HyTiCfl4S