Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: DASP Top 10 Exploits Walk Through
IB502 11:00 ~ 11:25 MandarinBlockchain evolved too quickly during the last decades, in which dozens of types of decentralized solutions outpaced and eliminated their obsolete competitors. Ethereum, as the second stage of the blockchain evolution, has launched a new way of blockchain programming via a Turing-complete language - Solidity. Though the breakthrough heralded advantages to the community of the developers, tens and hundreds of security concerns have been aroused within the dark place of hackers. Far more than 1.6 billion USD has evaporated through the past 10 years of blockchain history, and many of them are thanks to notorious vulnerabilities of the use of Solidity. The hard fork of Ethereum that resulted in Ethereum Classic and Ethereum itself was attributed to The DAO hack with the reentrancy exploits on its contract. The bankruptcy of BEC chain resulted from the other integer overflow pitfall during batch transfer of its assets. Lots has fallen, billions has gone, and we want to be the survivors. This workshop will walk you through the DASP top 10 exploits on smart contract and will equip you with the skillsets that a “safe” smart contract developer should have.
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