In this session, Emily is going to share her lessons learned in her day jobs in IT companies as well as night job in Open Source Community. The topics of her talk will span from “women in IT” to “work-life balance” and from “open source fashion” to “Microsoft culture”.
About 陈阳

Emily Chen is a Principal Product Manager in Microsoft - Search Technology Center Asia (STCA), working on AI vertical solution landing in China, such as Chatbot, Knowledge Graph, and Cloud Solution for Enterprise customers. She was a co-author of O’Reilly “Beautiful Testing” and filed one US Patent in 2019. She has rich open source community experience of 17 years. Her roles include the Board of Director of GNOME Foundation (2009 – 2010), the founder of GNOME.Asia Community, the organizer of GNOME.Asia Summit (2008 - 2018), the co-founder of Kaiyuanshe (China Open Source Alliance in China, founded in 2014), the core leader of China Open Source Conference (COSCon) and China Open Source Annual Report, and the OSS project mentor in OpenAtom Foundation. Read her interviews: Linux Pro Magazine, HyperAI, CSDN, Segmentfault.