Quark Engine 為台灣人所發起之資安開源專案,並獲得頂尖資安研討會認可,於 DEF CON BTV 28 及 BlackHat Arsenal Asia 2021上發表。至今也積累 15 以上貢獻者,並與其他知名開源專案如:Kali Linux, Jadx, Ghidra, Bazaar, BlackArch Linux 與 APKLab 合作。
能取得如此成果,皆歸功於 Quark Engine 優秀的專案貢獻者。
Quark Engine Github: https://github.com/quark-engine/quark-engine
About KunYu Chen

Founder of Quark Engine.
Security Researcher.
About JunWei Song

JunWei is a security researcher and open-source enthusiast from Taiwan. A paranoid Pythonista and CPython contributor who now focuses on Android reverse engineering and malware analysis. And as a member of the PyCon Taiwan Program Committee, previously presented at Black Hat, DEFCON, HITB, ROOTCON, GrayHat, PyCon Europe/TW/KR/MY/IN. He’s the co-founder of Quark-Engine and the Quark package maintainer on Kali Linux, leading Quark to participate in the GSoC under the Honeynet Project since 2021.