This talk will share about the development of a new Oracle MySQL Operator to run MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL Router on Kubernetes. This operator offers a lot of great stuff to automate deployment, scaling, lifecycle management, cloning, backup and recovery of MySQL in container that is easy to install and integrate with CI / CD, easy to use and monitor, portable for deployment on premises and in the cloud, which is developed, maintained and supported by Oracle MySQL.
About Hananto Wicaksono
Hananto is a Principal Solution Engineer from Oracle MySQL, living in Singapore. He is a database practitioner with 20+ years of professional experience, mainly in Oracle database and MySQL. He has expertise and experience on running MySQL on container-driven environment, such as Kubernetes. He conducted POCs, webinar, and hands-on training about various aspect of MySQL InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes, such as deployment, monitoring, backup and recovery, scaling, etc.