Quark Engine, a cybersecurity open source project founded by people in Taiwan. And this project is selected to present in top security conferences such as DEF CON BTV 28 and BlackHat Arsenal Asia 2021. Now Quark has more than 15 contributors and cooperate with other open source projects like Kali Linux, Jadx, Ghidra, Bazaar, BlackArch Linux and APKLab.
These achievements are attributed to excellent contributors.
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Come and you won’t regret!
Quark Engine Github: https://github.com/quark-engine/quark-engine
About KunYu Chen

Founder of Quark Engine.
Security Researcher.
About JunWei Song

JunWei is a security researcher and open-source enthusiast from Taiwan. A paranoid Pythonista and CPython contributor who now focuses on Android reverse engineering and malware analysis. And as a member of the PyCon Taiwan Program Committee, previously presented at Black Hat, DEFCON, HITB, ROOTCON, GrayHat, PyCon Europe/TW/KR/MY/IN. He’s the co-founder of Quark-Engine and the Quark package maintainer on Kali Linux, leading Quark to participate in the GSoC under the Honeynet Project since 2021.