Due to regional difference and gaps between ideal and practical pedagogy, Taiwanese high school student might face some problems during their path to Information Technology. This agenda hopes to share with you the current status quo of the Information Technology education in Taiwan’s high schools and universities, as well as the open source tools used. Next, we hope to discuss and brainstorm with you, what better information education practices can effectively help our students?
About Eason Chen

Hi, I’m Eason Chen.
I am now in my junior year, studying Learning Science at National Taiwan Normal University, and at the same time working as an R&D intern engineer at the blockchain startup FiO.
About Misawai

Misawai is a sophomore whom major in Learning Science and Computer Science and Information Engineering in National Taiwan Normal University. He is one of the speaker of the upcoming SITCON 2021 event. He is willing to exchange opinion with community members and gain further inspiration in COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021.