Online community communication is becoming more and more important, especially in this era of epidemics.
Over the years of open source technology community participation, there will always be a situation, no matter whether it is a novice or a veteran, it is unavoidable, that is how to effectively ask questions, get more people to participate in the exchange, and finally the whole community will benefit from good communication The atmosphere continued. There are more friendly and effective questioning initiatives in the community, which is a very important foundation for Andrew Lin and I think in the relevant open source hardware community. Therefore, in the near future, we have established a joint proposal on questioning methods in the community. The group received a good response. This sharing hopes to help everyone in more technical communities and make the exchange of open source technology better and better.
About Honki Cheng

I am multidislinaried from art to technology and concern the combination and developemnt of technology, design, and art. I hope I can combine those aspects to create more interesting works. During my exploration, I meet free software, open source, hardware and so many technology related things, and as well the communities of which. I am fasinated with the spirit, culture, and pholosiphy a lots behind them. Therefore, I establish OpenLab.Taipei community with friends in 2009, and have still been involving into promotion of Floss +Art voluntaryly. I hope the communities will keep group up and be a local organic biography. Being fond of DIY, Hack, Make, coding, and through doing by yourself creating works, I run Hackspace/Makerspace in Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill, and hold regular events for more interaction among communities. I believe via doing things togather can bring more substantial interaction. Thus, I am called as a Maker due to curating events and spreading the idea of open source techniques. That is also how I begin to care and research more about Maker culture and movement.