In recent years, Taiwan has attracted a lot of global companies due to political and economical reasons. We have also seen a surge of oversea entrepreneurs setting base here since the pandemic. This trend has put senior developers in high demand but short supply. Ruby Taiwan invites leaders of the PHP, Javascript and Java communities, who are also business owners themselves, to talk about how we as the developer community should face these challenges.
About Shengyou Fan
Shengyou is Developer Advocate at JetBrains. He is fascinated with researching new technology and fond of skills that increase productivity. In charge of promoting technology such as Kotlin, IntelliJ IDEA and provide solutions. He passionately managed open source communities and contributed to those for 6 years.
About Mu-Fan Teng
Chief organizer of @rubyconftw & @rubytw
About Pork Chop
Aotter Inc. Co-founder & Deputy CEO. RD team lead.