Cloud native is the way to build and run scalable applications. These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. If you looking for these advantage on CICD solution, jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin
project is a good choice.
to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes cluster. The plugin creates a Kubernetes Pod for each agent started, defined by the Docker image to run, and stops it after each build. And we can easily get reliability and speed up with compile cache. No matter which languages or tools, there is always provided container images officially. We don’t need to pre-install any tool on Jenkins, just select which image you want to use. Keep Jenkins clean.
This brand new COCD workflow can take advantage of Kubernetes like PV, resources limit, namespace or taints & tolerations…etc. And we can empower organizations to build any level CICD workflow. “Looking for dope? try this plugin!”
First of all, describe cloud native core concept. Why have this concept? What problem do we try to solve? How to effect CICD workflow? Have any disadvantages? And How to combine our team request?
In the beginning, our Jenkins was quite simple, just an instance, no slave. Since we migrated to EKS, our Jenkins has huge improvement. Like PV, PVC, and StorageClass to reduce operate storage effort. And we use jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin
make configuration into source control to implement the GitOps spirit.
dynamic agent basically is a pod. These agent pods attributes are different application pods, so they need different orchestration. Assign pod to a worker node with taints & tolerations, resources limit to constrict compute resources, service account, or even pass a yaml snippet and merge in a pod. And most of all, you can define in Jenkinsfile as well.
About Rico Chen
Volunteer of DevOps Taiwan community. No CS degree. Love to try something everybody never imagines. (like water skiing, diving, chop woods, rent a movie theater room for Frozen sing-along) Just a rookie in IT industry, welcome any feedback.