Returning to the very beginning spirit of open source, we want to let everyone quickly understand COSCUP, follow this vein to introduce an overview of this year’s tracks, and give a hitchhiker’s guide to pick a track and hop in.
COSCUP comes back again! It’s an annual event for open source fellows gathering; however, let newcomers fit in is important as well.
Returning to the very beginning spirit of open source, we want to let everyone quickly understand COSCUP, follow this vein to introduce an overview of this year’s tracks, and give a hitchhiker’s guide to pick a track and hop in.
With this brand new form of the Opening session, Ant will bring new friends to know more about open source, COSCUP, the communities, and casually understand what our open source fellows are playing. We believe you can get more from COSCUP through this talk, and make friends here.
About Ant

網路暱稱 Ant ,知識融通探索家 - Consilience Inside。
對軟體架構及技術有高度的實戰經驗。 專注於「開源商業策略」、「系統架構」、「高效編程」、「資訊安全」及「智慧財產權」領域,擁有數場演講及教育訓練講師經歷,同時撰寫過數篇發明專利。
在互聯網行業超過 13 年的研發工作經驗,8 年的團隊管理經歷,4 年顧問諮詢資歷。