Open source projects play an important role in our higher education programs. Three panelists all have great experiences to use open source projects in education. They will share their experiences, motivations and methodologies with the audience. In the past, COSCUP focuses more on the open source software projects. This year, all three panelists recognize the importance of system design and open source hardware projects as well. We will have a wider-scope of discussion on the open source education topics. Welcome to join us and raise your questions to the panelists.
每位老師自我介紹(5 mins)
每位老師聊聊open source 對於自己學習與教學的經驗(每人5min)
Q &A sections (一題討論10min)
- open source education 的好處與最大意義為何?
- open source education 面臨最大的困難跟挑戰是什麼
- 對於open source 用於education 的願景有什麼想法
現場觀眾Q &A (10 mins)
About 洪士灝
About jserv (黃敬群)
About Wei-Fen Lin (林偉棻)
林偉棻老師是遊戲實驗室(PlayLab) 的創辦人, 在業餘時致力於科技教育的推動工作, 8/1/2020 開始是成功大學智慧運算學院的教授, 她同時在高科技公司擔任Computer Architect 的研發工作, 早期在矽谷與台灣公司研發high-performance computing system, 過去一年半是Skymizer 的研發副總