Everyone can join us to brain storming for the guide line of agricultural open data. Including: 1. how to produce the right interpretation from data 2. the ideal format of open data 3. the risk of the open data application 4. the challenge and future of agriculture open data. Hopefully, in the end of the forum, 2020 user guide line of agriculture open data will be announced and speed up the industrialization of digital agriculture.
09:50 |現場報到,憑活動通報名成功頁面對換 Open農業小禮物
10:00 |開場致詞,台灣大學生農學院盧虎生院長蒞臨勉勵
10:05 |貴賓致詞,農委會科技處代表致詞 &合照
10:15 |講座一:挖資料掘商機:農業開放資料經濟學
11: 00|講座二:好多農業Open Data在農委會
11: 45|中場休息
13: 30|講座三:悠由農:農產數據科學經驗分享
14: 15|講座四:一起來討論Open Data的社群守則
14: 20|主題一:開放資料品質的現況討論
14: 45|主題二:開放資料應用風險
15: 00|主題三:建立跨域的開放資料生態系
15: 20|主題四:開放資料的社群守則與展望
15: 55|總結:產出2020農業開放資料論壇共識
16: 00|我們明年見!
About Shaw Wu

Kuo-Hsing Chai is the PI of digital agriculture project and also an agricultural data analyst of Agricultural Technology Research Institute.