2020 / 08 / 02
13:35 ~ 14:05
Web Scrapping, Crawler and PHP
In the past of many years, I used PHP a lot to do many things.
In this talk, I focus on how to use PHP to do web scrapping & crawling conveniently/easily.
And suggest recommendations to help PHP developers to fetch web contents happily 😃.
In this talk, these arranged sections are as follows:
- Introduction
- Who are you?
- Joke about web crawler and scrapping
- My small story about learning web crawler
- My first e-mail to foreign speaker
- My first hackathon
- What’s web crawler, bot and scrapping?
- Develop your first web crawler!
- Small demonstration
- Advanced/Useful crawling skills for everyone
- Sharing more cases to improve your crawling skills!
- A funny story about crawling
- How to figure out your side project via crawling?
- How to integrate existed project for your crawler?
About 李昀陞
我叫 Peter, 是一名服務於工研院網站後端開發者,目前主要的開發使用的程式語言為 PHP 與 Python,同時也是一名開源專案的貢獻者,主要是在 GitHub 上參加各式各樣的開源貢獻活動。
目前也是 Selective PHP等組織成員之一