四零四科技 專案副理 林上智
迎棧科技 資深架構師 金山
晶心科技 技術長 蘇泓萌
About WasiKevin

About Thor Chin

Thor Chin is Chief Architect at inwinSTACK responsible for Edge Computing product development and participate many open source communities includes OpenStack, Ceph, K8S, Akraino, …etc. Currently, Thor Chin is a TAC member of LF Edge and a TSC member of the Akraino. He has more than 10 years experience on Cloud Computing, Networking (include SDN) and Storage (include SDS) from a developer to Architect.
About Charlie Su

Dr. Charlie Su is a cofounder of Andes Technology Corporation, where he is in charge of R&D and technical marketing. Under his leadership, Andes developed processor IP solutions based on its own ISA for the first 12 years before announcing its first RISC-V processor in 2017 and now is the main force to take RISC-V mainstream. Today, the volume of SoC based on Andes processors is over 1 billion pieces annually. Charlie spent over 12 years in the Silicon Valley with various technical and management positions at Sun Microsystems, Afara Websystems, C-Cube Microsystems, SGI/MIPS, and Intergraph. He made key contributions to several successful processors such as the Sun multi-core multi-threading Ultrasparc T1 and T2 processors, the C-Cube high-performance E-series MPEG media processors, the MIPS out-of-order R10K families, and the Intergraph Clipper VLIW processor. Prior to starting Andes in 2005, he led the CPU and DSP IP development in Faraday Technology as Chief Architect for about 2 years. Charlie obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, M.S. in Computer Science from National Tsing-Hua University, and B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University.
About 林上智 (SZ LIN)

SZ 為 Linux 基金會官方專案 OpenChain Project 治理委員會成員,協助制定開源合規 (Open Source Compliance) 之業界標準,並主導 OpenChain 2.0 規格繁體中文翻譯 。同時,SZ 也帶領 OpenChain Taiwan workgroup (https://openchain-project.github.io/OpenChain-TWG/) 進行發展。此外,SZ 也是 Linux 基金會官方專案 Civil Infrastructure Platform (城市基礎設施平台) 技術指導委員會成員並為 kernel 工作小組前任主席。
SZ 具備 Debian 官方開發者身份。身為 Debian 開發者,SZ 長期貢獻於開放原始碼軟體,目前主要參與資安開放原始碼軟體團隊進行維護及開發。
SZ 曾在多個開源國際會議中發表分享,其中包含 OpenChain Japan workgroup meeting, OpenChain Taipei workshop、Debian Conference、Embedded Linux Conference、Embedded Linux Conference Europe、Open Source Summit Japan、Open Source Summit China。
SZ Lin is the governing board member of the OpenChain project and the translator of the OpenChain 2.0 specification in Traditional Chinese. He leads the OpenChain Taiwan workgroup and collaborates with other regional workgroups. Also, SZ is the CIP (Civil Infrastructure Platform) technical steering committee member and the kernel team’s former chair.
Being a Debian developer, he works on various open source projects and involves himself in open source communities, mainly contributes and maintains open source software in the security tools packaging team.
SZ has multiple speaking experiences, such as OpenChain Japan workgroup meeting,OpenChain Taipei workshop、Debian Conference、Embedded Linux Conference、Embedded Linux Conference Europe、Open Source Summit Japan、and Open Source Summit China.