ArkDB is a cloud native database developed by Cloud-ark(JiShuYunzhou) based on the idea of AWS Aurora. It is fully compatible with any version of MySQL 8.0 and above.
In order to make it easier for users to use ArkDB and for better support of DB migration, DB switching , High Availability of database clusters between ArkDB and MySQL, we have developed a new middleware: Arkproxy.
Arkproxy parses SQL statements based on MySQL syntax, is(almost) fully compatible with MySQL protocol and supports various versions of MySQL.
With the help of the COSCUP platform, we are here to announce that Arkproxy is officially open sourced, in the hope that more people will pay attention to and participate in the project to create an excellent open source database middleware.
- About ArkDB
- About Arkproxy
- Architecture Design of Arkproxy
- Detailed explanation of the functions of Arkproxy
- Arkproxy’s open source plan
About Zhou Yanwei

周彦伟 极数云舟创始人兼CEO,浙江大学硕士研究生校外导师,中国计算机行业协会开源数据库专委会会长,中国计算机学会技术前沿委员会委员, 中国MySQL用户组(ACMUG)主席, Oracle MySQL ACE Director 。
长期就职于去哪儿网等一线互联网上市公司,从事数据库相关方向的技术工作,近年来出版《MySQL运维内参》、《Learning HBase(中文版)》《MySQL 8 Cookbook(中文版)》等著作,是电子工业出版社【2018年度优秀作译者】。