Flowgorithm is a flowchart interpreter that can generate source code in a few languages from a flowchart. But it could not generate the source code in Julia language. I have added the Julia language support for flowgorithm. In this talk, I will explain how I created the Julia code generator for flowgorithm tool and demonstrate how to generate Julia code from the flowchart. The repository and instructions to use are available at https://github.com/gcdeshpande/Julia-Code-Generator.
When one thinks of learning programming as his/her first course there are two options available to a person. The first option is using visual programming tools like Turtle, Scratch, Blockly, and Alice. The second option includes learning the programming language directly by trying to understand the syntax and semantics of the language. However, visual programming tools are easy to use but may not be suitable for students in higher education in developing countries. Learning programming language itself is a challenge to the students of under-developed/ developing countries since many of the students are stuck in language syntax. Also for many students English not their natural language. Flowgorithm can be thought of as a solution to both the above-mentioned problems. Flowgorithm is a free flow chart interpreter developed by Devin Cook. Flowgorithm enables the learner to draw the flowchart through the dragging and dropping of symbols. Once the flowchart is drawn in flowgorithm it generates pseudo code and program in selected languages. It supports around 18 languages including C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby, Swift, Visual Basic .NET, and VBA. But it lacked the support of Julia. In this talk, I will explain how I created the Julia code generator for flowgorithm tool and demonstrate how to generate Julia code from the flowchart. The repository and instructions to use are available at https://github.com/gcdeshpande/Julia-Code-Generator.
About Gajendra Deshpande

Mr. Gajendra Deshpande holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering and working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, India. He has a teaching experience of 11 years and a Linux and Network Administration experience of one year. Under his mentorship teams have won Smart India Hackathon 2018 and Smart India Hackathon 2019. He is the Technical Director for Sestoauto Networks Pvt. Ltd. and Founder of Thingsvalley. His areas of Interest include Programming, Web Designing, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Brain-Computer Interface, Internet of Things, and Virtual Reality. He has presented papers at NIT Goa, Scipy India 2017 IIT Bombay, JuliaCon 2018 London, Scipy India 2018 IIT Bombay, Scipy 2019 USA, PyCon FR 2019 Bordeaux France, and IIT Gandhi Nagar.