【演講主題:其他 AI 與開源議題】
Deep Neural Network的開發流程分為Training 跟 Inference兩個階段,由於NN Framework與硬體平台的多樣性,所以Khronos與ONNX社群分別提出了NNEF與ONNX開放的檔案格式,讓開發者們可以透過這兩個格式在不同的Framework之間互相轉換.
這次的分享內容為NNEF與ONNX異同之處以及如何佈署到新的Inference framework並以NNEF到clDNN為例(*1).
相關內容為IWOCL2020 Post “Accelerating NNEF framework on OpenCL devices using clDNN”,所以除了技術內容外也會分享投稿心得。
- Network Network File Format: NNEF and ONNX
- Inference Framework: NNEF Tools, clDNN, ONNX Runtime
- Share submission experience of IWOCL2020
About KobeYu

I’m a Ph.D. student in Computer Science Department of Nation Tsing Hua University, Taiwan since 2017. I’m working with Prof. Jenq-Kuen Lee. My research topic is “Improving the performance of deep neural network and computer vision from the perspective of system software”.