We will not win the battle against Covid-19 by sacrificing personal privacy. Personium Project proposed that personal data store can be used to stop the spreading of pandemic by applying MyData principles.
Personium Trails allows users to cross-check their personal location logs against anonymised location logs of infected people to determine Covid-19 exposure risk level. The following functions will be provided.
- Users store location logs privately into their PDSs
- Users can view exposure risk analysis privately
- When a user gets infected, he/she can share selected anonymised location log upon his/her own will
Personium Trails values Human-centric Control and transparency of data operation. It also implements privacy by design.
Human-centric Control is achieved by allowing individuals:
- to manage their own data
- to select what data to be shared
- to clearly understand what the data is for when shared
Privacy by Design is achieved by:
- not sharing location logs to anyone by default
- cross-checking location logs privately with open data
- able to delete shared data in the open data when sharing permission is removed
Permission and Transparency are achieved by:
- allowing the infected person to choose whether to share the anonymized location logs or not
- letting the user to review the anonymized location logs before sharing
About Dixon Siu

Dixon is a software engineer at Fujitsu Limited. For the past three years, he has been developing apps for Personium which is the only open source personal data store platform in Japan. He became one of the key players in the Personium community and initiated integrations of MyData technologies in the community.
After attending MyData 2018, he was moved by the passionate people involved in MyData and now heavily involved in the MyData movement both globally and in Japan.