When building form-based IT systems, many steps appear to be redundant: layout the form, write logic checkers, write backend DB access code, integrate the front and back end, repeat the process. What if we can just write down the system logic, and let everything else be generated? Flexform is just a framework that helps to produce IT systems 10x faster, so user feedback can happen much quicker and narrow down on user requirements become natural.
Many IT systems are 80%-90% just database Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) operations with a more human-friendly interface. 80-90% of the efforts in building such systems also involve just laying out the front-end, writing very similar back-end DB logic, and integrate the two.
We propose to automate this process by defining data models and basic interactions, with logic customization for the last 10% of the system. This way an IT system may be built up possibly 10x faster with more involved user-iterations. The result is a drastically agile approach to system development suitable for dynamic projects. Low to even No Code may need to be written in such approach.
Flexform has been developed by Imonology Inc. to facilitate its “Time-limited Extreme Agile Method” of IT system development, where prototype systems can be quickly built in 2-4 weeks of time, with potentially daily deliverable for clients.
About Shun-Yun Hu

Social entrepreneur inspired to create work, financial, and growth freedom for the billions.
Shun-Yun has been on a quest to create more freedom for people after being fascinated by virtual worlds since age 7. He was a virtual world researcher and founded Imonology Inc. to make remote agile work accessible. He founded Joint Commonwealth Fund (JCF) to make basic income truly universal. He is also a vegetarian who enjoys to travel.